Week One:


Polya's four steps to problem solving

1.) Understand the problem

2.) Devise a plan

3.) Carry out the plan

Look back (reflect)

Ask youeself what problem solving strategy are you going to use?

Guess and use check/trial and error

Draw a picture or a diagram

Act it out

Make the problem simpler

Look for the pattern

Work backwards

Make an organized list

When teaching make sure students

1.) Understand

2.) Plan

3.) Implement

Look back to check if results are reasonable

MTE 280

Whole Number Operations


Right to Left

American Standard

Partial Sums

Partial Sums with Place Value

Left to Right

Left to Right Algorithom

Expanded Notation

Place Value Explicit


Meaning (Put together/Join)

1.) Identity Property: a+0=a

2.) Commutative Property: a+b=b+a

Associative Property: (a+b)+c=a+(b+c)

Week Three:

Week Five:


Right to Left

American Standard

European Mexican

Left to Right

Reverse Indian

Left to Right Algorithm

Expanded Notation

Intager Subtraction


1.) Take Away 5-2=3

2.) Comparison

3.) Missing Add End


4 is the Difference

3 is the subtrahend

7 is the Minuend

Week 5:


Meaning: Repeated Addition

(3 x z) is 3 groups of z

Week Four:


Week Four:

Week Two:

Numeration Systems

-Base-10 System

-The Value of the number depends on the place

-The numbers get bigger by 10 times (1/10) x (1/10)= (1/100)

Numbers to the right of the decimal are part of the unit

Expanded Notation

Week One:

Make sure students understand the problem by having them explain the problem in their own words or show how to complete it.

Make sure students:

1.) Understand

2.) Plan

3.) Implement

4.) Look back reasonably

Divisibility Rules

*Sum of Digits

-By 3: Sum of digits is divided by 3


-By 2: 0,2,4,6,8

-By 5: 0,5

-By 10: 0

*Last Digits

-By 4: Last two digits are divided by 4

Week Six

Number Theory

-Types of Numbers


-Factors-multiples>Fraction work

Prime numbers 1-60 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59

Week Six

Prime Factorization

The "Fingerprint"or "DNA" of every composite number: always the same factoraztion tree.

Week Six

Week Seven

GCF (Greatest Common Factor) LCM (Least Common Multiple)

Week Eight



1.) Part-whole

3 divided by 4=3/4



1.) Surface Area

2.) Length

3.) Sets (groups of things)

Week Nine

Addition and Subtraction (common denominators)

Week Nine

Fraction word problems with models

Problem examples

Week Ten

Problem Solving with Fractions

Problem examples