Types of organizations
For-profit business vs non-profit organizations
Large, multinational corporations vs family-owned
social entities
are designed as deliberately
structured and coordinated activity systems,
that are goal-directed
linked to the external environment
Importance of Organizations
Bring together resources to achieve desired goals and
Produce goods and services efficiently
Facilitate innovation
Create value for owners, customers and employees
Accommodate ongoing challenges of diversity, ethics,
and the motivation and coordination of employees
Adapt to and influence a changing environment
Use modern manufacturing and information technologies
Use modern manufacturing and information technologies
Summary and Interpretation
Organizations have been conceived as systems that either
adapt to, or exert control over, the environment as a means
of pursuing the goals of their dominant stakeholders.
The primary focus of analysis for organization theory is
employees’ activities as organizational members
A focus of this book is how organization structures are
influenced by the wider environment, and how key decision
makers attempt to manage their environment by designing
effective structureson