Elijah Mccoy
invention of the automatic oil cup and the lawn sprinkler. p.38
he developing a car that has four electric motors on each wheel of the car.ballard power systems. p.38
pierre couture
he developing a car that has four electric motors on each wheel of the car.ballard power systems. p.34
Anita luszszak
she developed a pulsating generator that used less energy to generate electrical power than the conventional power generators. p.34
Anik 1 was launched
it was the world's first geostationary communications satellite. p.34
Donald L. hings of british
Columbia inwented the portable transceiver, or walkie-talkie. p.34
Edward samuels rogers
of ontario made the first radio that could be plugged in to a wall outlet. p.34
Sir William
invented a methob of sending
pictures for newspapers over
phone lines. p.34
the world stared to communicate by sending
electronic signals through
the atmosphere. p.33
His first message only travelled 2 km. p.33
Cyril Duquet
of Quebec designed a phone receiver to have both an ear and voice piece like the phones of today. p.33
Alexander Graham
a thin sheet of metal , a coil of wire wrapped around a magnet, and a battery to create a telephone. p.32
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Luigi Galvani
he noticed that a spark could make the frog's leg move. p.4
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use different liquids. He placed these liquids in bowls with pieces of metal. p.5
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