Dean's Advisory Council:
Dean of Students
Dean of Faculty
Rosh Hashpa’ah
Dir. Cantor
Dir. RP
Dir. Hashpa'ah
rep from Ed Circle
rep from DOS Circle
attending: ALEPH ED
Eliminate the Dean of Administration, identify a Dean of Faculty who:
arranges / schedules courses and teachers
evaluates courses and teachers
interfaces with geek in charge of technology infrastructure
interfaces with Ming
Dean of Faculty is 2/3 of Admin Dean salary
Geek is 1/3 Admin Dean salary (this is just guessing)
RP Circle:
Dir. RP (op officer)
Assis Dir
RP Adv Group
DOS circle is Dean of Students and everyone who serves as a DOS (this might include someone from Hashpa'ah, because of the strange relationship with non-clergy)
DOS's who serve only in this capacity, and are not VAAD members.
DOS's who are VAAD Members
Reps to ALEPH Board and/or Helping Circle: Dean/reps from Ed Circle / ALEPH ED
Cantor Circle:
Dir. Cantor (op officer)
Cantor Adv. Group
Spiritual Direction Circle
Dir. Hashpa'ah (op officer)
Rosh Hashpa’ah
Assoc. Dir.
Supervisors and Mashpaiim
Ed Circle:
Dean of Faculty (ops officer)
Heads of:
Leadership Formation
Dir Cantor
Dir RP (or Assist)
Dir Hashapa'ah (or Assoc)
Admin. Assist.