I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.
Begin by typing in the name of your existing product or service
This is your starting point for new ideas. You will need to know it well enough to think about ways that it could be changed or used differently.
Add new action! Tell us what you did!
Describe your result. What did you accomplished? Did you accomplish your goal?
I did take a revenge!
The story of the Instant Karma Machine designed by a musician. Every noise that produced by a neighbor was played back to them 3 times at higher level. It did not work, but helped as an emotional revenge. Eventually, the neighbors were evicted.
I used ninja remote to mess my neighbors TV and music center when they start playing music at night or turn their TV to max volume.
I played a strange low frequency noise that easily goes through the wall via my speakers that was impossible to recognize and locate.
I blasted music to them using more powerful PA system
I got sick from constant noise from my neighbors, set 35 alarms to buzz at 3:30am and left my place.
My story about it. Read it on Quora
Talk to them and explain that they are disturbing you.
I talked to my neighbors several times.
Play a white noise or some sleep track to mask annoying noise. It helps to fall sleep.
I purchased a sleeping noise machine and now I use it all the time. Helps to fall asleep and masks most of noise.
Add some ideas based on using 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.' for a completely different purpose.
- Where could 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.' be misused? Could you change it so it works there?
- What would it be least suited for? What changes would be needed to make it work there?
- Could it be mistaken for something else? What would happen then?
Use earplugs to sleep and to avoid confrontation
I started to use ear plugs when noise is disturbing me. Not the best solution, but it works. At least I can sleep now and I do not feel ruined next morning.
Add some ideas based on modifying 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.'.
- How could you change the appearance of 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.'?
- How could you make it less effective? What happens if you do the opposite?
- What would happen if you made it ten times bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, cheaper or more expensive?
- What would happen if you changed its weakest or strongest parts?
Complain to property management
Property management talked to my neighbors, but I did not notice any improvements.
Add some ideas based on combining 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.' with other things.
- Could you combine 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.' with another product or service?
- Could you combine its elements of together?
- Could you combine its purposes or effects with something else?
Property management talked to noisy tenants. No more noise for at least 2 weeks. Will see how the situation will develop.
Add some ideas based on combining 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.' with other things.
- Could you combine 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.' with another product or service?
- Could you combine its elements?
- Could you combine its purposes or effects with something else?
Сall 311 and report excessive noise to police
Add your Story...
Police did not come. No explanation was given.
Police did come too late, after the noisy party ended.
Police arrived in 20 minutes and the situation was resolved
Add some ideas based on substituting parts of 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.' or even all of it.
- What materials or parts could be replaced with something else?
- What could be used instead of 'I live in a rented apartment with noisy neighbors that frequently play loud music at night.'?
- What people, places or times could be substituted for different ones?
- What assumptions could be replaced with different ones?