par Melissa Black Il y a 5 années
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Solutions Help students to advocate for peers and themselves
Further Reading Lowes, S. (2014). How Much "Group" is there in Online Group Work? Online Learning, 18(1). doi:10.24059/olj.v18i1.373
Supports FNSSP Worker Guidance Counselor Spec. Ed. Lead/Resource Teacher
Further Reading Poonam, K., EdD, & Skrocki, M. (2017, May 16). Ensuring Student Success in Online Courses. Retrieved from Wilson, K., & Kristina. (2017, May 30). Best Practices for Communicating With Students in Online Classes - SPS | Distance Learning. Retrieved from
Supports/Further Readings Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in ... (n.d.). Retrieved from
Supports AdBlocking extensions
Further ReadingThe Selling of Our Schools: Advertising in the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Solutions Check websites and links at the start of every term to ensure that if you are sending students out of the LMS that the new site is still secure.
Supports CybersafeBC Carnegie Cyber Academy
Further Reading 10 ways schools are teaching internet safety. (2011, November 15). Retrieved from
Solutions -Use progressive discipline with students in keeping with MOE policies -Help students to develop the ability to stand up and not remain silent when they see bullying. Peers are often the first to see and have the ability to react first.
Supports Many programs and LMS allow teachers to moderate, remove, and 'spy' on discussions/postings. Some programs even allow delays until approval by the administrator to be put in place for the class/individual student
Further Reading Strickland, M. (2014). Making the Online Classroom Feel Like a “Classroom”. Teaching Theology & Religion, 17(3), 226-226. doi:10.1111/teth.12209 Tien, Shannon. Gender Inclusive Social Media
Solutions Participate alongside students in forums modelling correct behaviours
Further Reading Mcdonald, S. E. (2012). Reclaiming the Wireless Classroom When Netiquette no Longer Works. College Teaching, 60(3), 130-130. doi:10.1080/87567555.2011.601773
Solutions -Stress the right behaviours and why we want to see them, i.e. we want to see the students' work because we value their ideas even when those ideas are wrong -Include incremental lessons so students work through the process with rough work and brainstorming handed in for part of the final assignment mark allocation
Supports Turnitin DupliChecker
Solutions Administrators should 'set the tone' Enforce through progressive discipline the expectation that teachers will not plagiarize or break copyright Create common layouts and templates for courses so teachers can't copy and paste
Supports Pixabay Unsplash
Further Reading Crawford, M., Phd. (2017, September 08). Are You Committing Plagiarism? Top Five Overlooked Citations to Add to Your Course Materials. Retrieved from
Solutions Have 'computer lab' type environments in the schools where students can go to complete online classes
Supports Libraries and public use computers may exist in some communities
Further Reading Inside Higher Ed. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Solutions Follow the board's IT SOP (Standard operating procedures) Stay abreast of data-security issues and threats Require teachers to update their virus protection regularly
Supports School IT department/person MOE recommended software/programs
Further Reading Robertson, L., Muirhead, B., & Leatham, H. (2018). Protecting Students Online: International Perspectives And Policies On The Protection Of Students’ Digital Privacy In The Networked Classroom Setting. INTED2018 Proceedings. doi:10.21125/inted.2018.0705