Catégories : Tous - memory - schizophrenia - hallucinations

par Natalia Kazakova Il y a 13 années



The text outlines various behavioral and cognitive symptoms often associated with schizophrenia, detailing specific metrics for assessing these symptoms. It addresses social dysfunction through the number of hours a person voluntarily spends with others and measures of avoidance behaviors.



Catatonic behavior

Freezing in a single position for more than 3 minutes, total time is measured in minutes

Lack of motivation

# of projects started on one's own that are never finished

Poverty of speech/thinking

# of times person uses a word that doesn't exist in his/her own language


When given an open ended question, # of times person expresses concern about their own safety from another person or group of people

Memory problems

score acquired when given a standardized memory test

Social disfunction

# of people person reports spending more than 2 hours a week with, of their own volition


# of minutes person spends still,nonmoving when provided a computer (or any other stimuli)

Racing thoughts

# of times person changes the topic per 5 minutes of conversation


# of times person doesn't answer the door and visibly hides somewhere (checked with videocamera)


# of times person talks to a non-existing conversational partner per day (checked via viderecord)