Catégories : Tous - relationships - speaking - encouragement - fitness

par SM - 10ML 752491 Applewood Heights SS Il y a 2 années



An animal control worker excels in building connections with animals and possesses a strong background in science, which is crucial for understanding animal physiology and cellular functions.



Animal Control Worker

Characteristics: An animal control worker who work well under relationships and can make those connects with the animals. A animal control worker having a background in science is crucial, as knowing how the animal body functions and how the cells function is important. These people also have interest type in aide (RS), wich is a huge component in this job.
From taking the knowledge test I've learnt that I have a greater understanding of science. Meaning I think way more critical.
My results from the interest type test revels that I show greater levels of wanting to provide help for people. Making connects to the aide interest type.
The motivations test has shown me that my top motivation is relationships. Meaning I work well with relationship type work this example being a animal control worker.


Characteristics: Firefighters require people who strive with hands on activity. Firefighters also are required to be physically fit and ready to participate in hard training to help prpare them for physical task. Firefighers are usally the risk takers and the people who complete the dangours task. They show lots of courage, especailly after seeing very dark and dooming things on the job. They can ovrcome these terrific sightings and move on and continue to do thier job.
From taking the true colours quiz it has informend me that I value courage. Wich helps me move on and continue persuading goals.
To also connect to the personal trainer connection, I shine out when it comes to physical fitness attributes, and I life a healthy life stye.
Agian from the true clours survey I fall under the orange catagory wich involves me being a risk taker. Wich is important when it comes to being a firefighter as, sometimes I might need to take that risk and go help somone in danger.

Personal Trainer

Characteristics: Personal trainers require good speaking skills to connects to thier clients. They also require listining skills, wich is a huge component when working with clients as you need to listen to them and make the proper fitness adjustments to help reac thier goals. Most inportant of all as a Personal trainer you must be required to be fit therefore they must have the physical fitness compontent. Personal trainers use physically expressed encouragment when talking to clients.
From taking the Learning styles test the results show that Im a kinesthetic learner. In the results it connected to the use of physically expressed encouragment when with peers.
In the personality style test I learned that im good working with lage groups, and it really made a connection to having good speaking skills.
Intrest type test showed me that I'm the type to be more into pysical fitness, and endure a healthy lifestyle.