a Phil Dollimore 6 éve
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Selection – The police select offenders on the basis of ‘age, frequency and nature of previous offences and custodial history’. They choose young adults who have many convictions and have done time in prison. If they can stop these prolific offenders from offending, then the crime rate in the area will go down. Supervision – Offenders who are chosen for the scheme are forced to go on it. The main feature of the scheme is the level of supervision the offenders get. Normally offenders may have only one appointment a week with a probation officer or other worker. On the ASPOS scheme offenders get much more supervision: Specifically in the first six months the requirements would include: * 4 appointments per week for the first 12 weeks * 2 appointments per week for the second 12 weeks * A review of level of reporting after 24 weeks * Drug-testing twice per week in the first 4 weeks following custodyPartnership – The scheme involves a lot of cooperation between police and probation officers: ‘The exchange of information between probation and police ensures that each agency is intervening with the offender with the optimum amount of information’. Tailored to offenders’ needs – The ASPOS programme uses a range of methods to help prolific offenders kick the burglary habit. ‘Each offender has an individual programme of intervention which includes surveillance, drug treatment, cognitive skills training, employment training and education, and challenges to offending’.
Avon and Somerset Prolific Offenders Scheme (ASPOS) targets those offenders who are causing the most damage to the community and for whom other sentencing options have failed. They concentrate on house burglars and car thieves, almost all of whom are driven to steal by the need to support a long-standing drug addiction