Kategóriák: Minden - plastics - pollution - marine

a Hayley M Lever 4 éve


effects of ocean pollution

Ocean pollution poses a significant threat to marine life, killing over one million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals annually. This pollution is primarily caused by human activities, such as the improper disposal of trash, sewage, and chemical wastes into the ocean.

effects of ocean pollution

effects of ocean pollution

What's your essay about?

Type in the title of your essay.

how can we stop/do to help ocean pollution

Work on the structure of your essay.

Final statement

Conclude by refining the key concepts of your thesis.

a little quote that is imspirational to me!

i hope this helps you under stand a little bit more about why i think ocean pollution is bad. i hope someday all of the ocean pollution and all the types pollution in the world will go away!

Summarize your essay by restating the main ideas of your thesis and body paragraphs.

Type them in.

Body Paragraphs

Develop the ideas presented in the introduction.

what can we do? well Reduce Your Use of Single-Use Plastics. Recycle Properly. you could Participate In (or Organize) a Beach/River/lake Cleanup. Support Bans. Try to avoid Products Containing Microbeads. Support Organizations Addressing Plastic Pollution.

Type in a one-line sentence to describe the third body paragraph.

I can't stand seeing any animals like this and i want it to come to an end. Nobody needs to live this way and i hope that people care about the animals as much as I do so we can put an end to this!

Type in a one-line sentence to describe the second body paragraph.

we need ocean pollution to come to an end because more than Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year. it hurts the sea life like it hurts me.

Type in a one-line sentence to describe the first body paragraph.


Create a catchy introductory paragraph.

Take into consideration the interests of your audience.

hi , do you love animals like me? do you want to stop ocean pollution? well i hope you do because ocean pollution is in the top 20 world wide problems from Marine pollution, as distinct from overall water pollution, focuses on human-created products that enter the ocean. Before 1972, humans around the word spewed trash, sewage sludge, and chemical, industrial, and radioactive wastes into the ocean with impunity.

Write an engaging first sentence.

Did you discover any interesting anecdotes, quotes, or trivial facts while researching your topic? Use them to write your sentence.

what does it do?

Analyze another essay written on this topic

Find at least one example and see whether it is well written or not.


Type in the title and the author(s)
of the essay which you're going to analyze.

EVIDENCE ~ I think it is sad how the marine life animals have to live in this


What evidence do(es) the author(s) present?

Type in the evidence.

Add notes if you need larger blocks of text.

how does it effect the animals?

This sharp increase in plastic entering our waters harms not only marine life but also humanity. Plastic kills fish, birds, marine mammals and sea turtles, destroys habitats and even affects animals' mating rituals, which can have devastating consequences and can wipe out entire species.

what is ocean pollution?

Research your topic

Write down the sources you will base your essay on.

ocean pollution causes...

List second-hand information :

comments, interpretations, or discussions regarding the original material, etc.

There can be several causes of ocean pollution, but the leading causes include sewage, toxic chemicals from industries, nuclear waste, thermal pollution, plastics, acid rain, and oil spillage

What secondary source(s) will you take into account for your research?

Type in your source(s)


Add hyperlinks to your source(s).


List first-hand information :

Pollutants are dumped into the ocean. This waste affects the daily life of fish and other marine creatures. Marine pollution is a growing problem in today's world. ... Littering, storm winds, and poor waste management all contribute to the accumulation of this debris, 80 percent of which comes from sources on land.

What primary source(s) will you take into account for your research?

Type it (them) in.