Marco legal de la medicina tradicional
Make a weekly plan, fill in each task and then check them off as the week advances.
2007 – 2012
Happy Thursday! Hang in there, Friday will come before you know it. Think back to all the tasks scheduled for this week and see what else is left for today.
Se refiere a: Promover el estudio y validación científica de las medicinas tradicionales y
Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.
Follow up on calls and emailsSchedule appointmentsOther
Se define el Programa Nacional de Salud 2007 – 2012
Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.
Run errandsDo the grocerriesOther
28 de mayo de 2003
Wednesdays are like Mondays in the middle of the week, they say. You're halfway through the week, see what plans you have set for today.
Insta a los Estados Miembros a que, de conformidad con la legislación
y los mecanismos establecidos, adapten, adopten y apliquen cuando proceda, la estrategia
de la OMS sobre medicina tradicional como fundamento de los programas nacionales o programas de trabajo sobre medicina tradicional,
Choose from the examples below or add your own.
Online meeting with the teamManage your social mediaOther
La OMS en su 56ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud
Choose from the examples below or add your own.
Wake up earlySuggestionMeditateOther
You got through Monday! Congratulations! Now let's see what tasks are in the pipeline for today.
Propuesta de
la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) sobre Medicina Tradicional y Terapias Alternativas
La Constitución de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos (1917) Reconoce a México
como nación pluricultural y garantiza el derecho de los pueblos y las comunidades indígenas a preservar y enriquecer sus lenguas, conocimientos y todos los elementos que constituyan
su cultura e identidad, asegurar el acceso efectivo a los servicios de salud, aprovechando la medicina tradicional.
See the following examples and complete the list of tasks for Tuesday.
Catch up on emailsRecord transactions (payments, invoices)Other
Se reconoce el trabajo de los pueblos indigenas
24 del Convenio 169
A fresh start, a clean slate, and a lot of potential for great things to come. That is what Mondays really are!
Begin your week with a good plan in mind and follow the guidelines to organize the week ahead.
Se inicio a intención abierta de aprovechar las experiencias y conocimientos de la población sobre la medicina tradicional en los sistemas de salud en el mundo
See the examples below and think of your to-do's for Monday. Add more tasks if necessary.
Clean and organize your workspaceLunch with a potential clientOther
Declaración de Alma Atta
See the examples below and think of your to-do's for Monday. Add more tasks if necessary.
Take the kids to schoolExerciseOther