a Patel Akshar 3 éve
Még több ilyen
Always tell the truth
Inform others of sometime that has been done even if it hurts you
Once I accidently hit my neighbors car and told him even though I knew that I would get in trouble
Accept people for who they are
No one person is more superior than another
Help neighbors with cleaning snow
Help elderly neighbor get stuff out of truck when she her son isn't there
Help neighbors with raking leafs
Volunteered at Lorne Park Library
Neighbors front yard and driveway
my front, backyard and driveway
Other neighbors
My driveway
Organized Files
helped elderly people in and out of the building
shred paper
Guided People
Took peoples temperature
Held and participated in many protests for racial equality
Dodged the Vietnam war draft as he didn't want to fight for a country that was racist
He was arrested
The court gave him a second chance to apologize and go fight in the war but he refused
Got arrested
He got his boxing license taken away during his prime but stayed firm
"Man, I ain't got no quarrel with the Viet Cong... they never called me n****r, they never lynched me,"
He was originally a slave and him name was Cassius Clay but he later changed it to Muhammad Ali when he became a Muslim
“Cassius Clay is a slave name. I didn't choose it and I don't want it. I am Muhammad Ali, a free name - a free man"
In no way shape or form should there be violence of others
He wanted everyone to live in harmony
Eliminate the injustices caste system
Grant India its independence
Ease poverty
Women rights
A black person becoming a beautician and a mentor was almost unheard of in that time
She refused to leave a whites only area
Challenged racial segregation at a cinema in New Glasgow
Pick up any litter I see
Told my friends family that they cant park in a certain area