Shared reading and modelled reading are two distinct instructional strategies used in educational settings to enhance students' reading skills. Shared reading involves both teachers and students participating in the reading process, allowing them to interact and make meaning of the text collaboratively.
What teaching points does Modelled Reading focus on?
Semantic knowledge
Grammatical knowledge
Graphological/phonological knowledge
Contextual knowledge
The roles of the reader
Sound, letter and word knowledge
How does Modelled Reading work?
Introduce the students to the cover and discuss the author, title, and illustration. Have students predict what the text might be about, and relate the topic the text to what students already know. Read through the text and engage students in a discussion about the text. Focus on events, characters and illustrations. Re-reading the text can also be very beneficial for all students.
What teaching points does Shared Reading focus on?
Critical literacy skills
Text features
Phrasing, fluency, and intonation
Word-solving strategies
Reading and writing connections
Questioning the text
Personal Responses
How does Shared Reading work?
Shared reading works as the teacher begins reading the text, and the students join in as they feel comfortable. The structure will be set up by the teacher and could include both silent or oral reading by the students. The goal is for the students to gradually assume responsibility of reading the text.
What is Shared Reading?
Shared reading means that both the teacher and the students will participate and interact in reading a story and making meaning of the text together
What is Modelled Reading?
Teachers will: read to, show, demonstrate, explain, instruct, and interpret student responses
Students will: watch, engage, listen, follow, share, question, and participate