Where to next?
Now that you have completed your SWOT analysis and strategy, where to next?
- You can return to this map to change SWOT elements or change their priorities
- You can review the strategies to gain agreement and turn them into plans & actions
- Do you have enough strengths? What is missing? Ensure that these gaps are listed as weaknesses
- You can examine the most important weaknesses and threats in detail, and use the map to further break them down into root causes
Enter your organization name
Type in the organization or area that is the subject of this analysis. You might find it helpful to add the date for reference so that you can review changes at a later date.
Tidak hanya zaman yang bisa
memberikan inspirasi konsep
busana, melainkan waktu dan
juga perstiwa
Add a growth strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked strengths facing your organization'''.
- Are they connected in some way?
- Is the strength helping to take advantage of an opportunity?
- If the strength is not maintained, does this reduce the chances of success with an opportunity?
For example, if your product performs well, and new legislation is going to raise questions about your competitor's products, then you could maximize this situation by prioritizing your own product performance.
fungsi rias selain memperkuat
perawatakan tokoh cerita juga
untuk menyembunyikan wajah
asli pemain.
Add a consolidation strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked strengths facing your organization, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked threats.
- Are they connected in some way?
- Is a strength helping to protect you from a threat?
- Could the impact of a threat increase if you do not maintain this strength?
For example, if you have recognized specialist knowledge that gives you an advantage, but there is a threat that new technology could decrease your market, then it would make sense to develop the same level of specialist knowledge in new technologies.
>Panggung terbatas sama hasilnya
dengan panggung proscenium
>Ada batas antara panggung dengan
tempat duduk penonton
-Panggung tidak terbatas adalah
panggung yang digunakan dalam
pertunjukan teater tradisi.
-Antara penonton dan pemain
tidak ada batasnya
Add a containment strategy
Review each of the highest-ranked weaknesses facing your organisation, and compare them with each of the highest-ranked opportunities.
- Are they connected in some way?
- Is the weakness preventing you from taking advantage of an opportunity?
- If the weakness gets worse, does this push the opportunity further away?
- Could you increase the benefits from an opportunity by improving the weakness?
For example, if there is unmet demand in in the market, but you have old and slow production equipment, then you cannot take advantage of this opportunity. A containment strategy would be to improve capacity with newer equipment. Otherwise, the gap in the market might encourage a competitor to step in, which could be a threat in the future.
Musik adalah salah
satu media ungkap
dalam pergetaran
Fungsi primer cahaya sebagai
peneragan, sedangkan sekunder
memberi efek, memberi nuansa,
memperkuat, memperlemah,
menonjolkan atau juga memperkuat
suasana dalam adegan.