The concept of stereotypes involves the categorization of individuals into groups based on certain characteristics, such as race, clothing, or behavior. Common examples include skaters, goths, gangsters, and hippies.
different types of streotypes/what is a stereotyoe
groups of individuals
a different type of stereotype also involves grouping of individuals. skaters, goths, gangsters and hippies are a few examples of groups that fall under this catergoriy
sexist sterotypes
why people shouldnt stereotype
you shouldn't say stereotypes because even if you are joking, a lot of people are sensitive and take things to heart. who you say a stereotype too might believe it and not love themselves because that's how they think they act
you shouldn't believe in stereotypes because they give you a warped view of the world. they make you paranoid about things that arent true
why people do it
they are uneduated
when they don't know somebody soo they assume stuff about the person based on race/hair/clothes and more