a renee wright 1 éve
Még több ilyen
What drivies my reasoing on matters? Its quite simple. When given qestions like what is the meaning of life and is this all there is; I would would argue that im skeptic. If dont know the answring to a question I would not answer it to th best of my abilities becuase I do not know. I have gained this way of thinking growning up not responding to any promps unless i actually new. For me to answer questions i will need to know every side behind a question for me to answer it
According to Aristotle, the ultimate objective of life is to obtain eudaimonia, or happiness. Aristotle's theory of "happiness" was based on his understanding of nature. He contended that the ability to reason distinguishes humans from other animals and is their sole special purpose. The quest of pleasure is what motivates animals, but Aristotle believes that because man has greater capacities than animals, pleasure alone cannot bring satisfaction (quest of satisfaction, 2018).
Searching for the meaning in life is a taks that evryone does and is stuck on. Some peole have no clue what the meaning of their life is and how to find it. For me, I find the meaning of life through desieres. For example I want to be a lawyer. Thats something i desier. Becuase I want that I work hard and study a lot to get that and by working hard im giving my life a meaning. And throuch achiving what i desire will bring me happiness.
Aristotle's conception of eudaimonia as an abstraction for life's significance.