Modelli > Gestione del progetto >

Risk management template

Risk management template

This mind map helps you manage a specific risk to your organization, by understanding what happens, why it happens, and what you can do to control it.

This map deals with one risk at a time.

Keywords: organization risks, cause, and effect, business analysis

Risk management template

Risk management template

This risk management template will help you identify risks and establish a project plan to reduce the effects of a risky situation.

Type in the potential risks and think about the causes and consequences.

If you have a risk event with severe consequences, you or another team member has to take action immediately.

Where to next?

Where to next?

  1. If you have a risk event with high-probability causes, and severe impact, then you will need to take action and establish effective controls
  2. Review the causes of this event: have you taken enough measures to prevent the most probable causes?
  3. Review the impact of this event: have you taken enough measures to reduce its effects?
  4. To improve the management of this risk, implement the control measures that you have identified on both sides of the map

Risk name

Type in the event that is at risk of occurring. This is an incident that has both causes and consequences, and is usually undesirable (as 'risk' usually has a negative meaning, but not always).

Examples of events include:



Type in a potential cause for Risk name.

Then rate its probability by clicking an icon:

Very likely to occur


Unlikely to occur

How can you reduce the probability of Cause occurring?

Can anything be done to prevent it from happening, or at least reduce the chances?

Type in a control measure

How might the control measure fail?

We have added the control measure Control to reduce the probability of Cause. How might Control fail? What could go wrong and allow Cause to still happen?

Example: a generator might fail because it runs out of oil. So we could add an oil sensor to give an early warning. This oil sensor would be a control measure. But the oil sensor itself might fail, allowing the generator to fail.

Add a backup control

How can we reduce the chances of Control failure occurring, or preventing Control from working?

Can Control failure be prevented from happening?
If not, can we reduce the chances of it happening?
If it happens, can we reduce the impact, so that Control still works?

Example: adding an oil sensor to a generator could prevent generator failure. To reduce the chances of the oil sensor failing (and allowing the generator to fail), we could add a self-test mechanism to the oil sensor as a backup control.



What are the consequences of Risk name?
What happens as a result of this incident?


Add a potential consequence of Risk name.

Then rate its impact by clicking an icon:

Severe impact

Average impact

Minor impact


How can you reduce the impact of Consequence?

What can be done to make it less disruptive, easier to cope with, or easier to recover from?

Add a control measure

Control failure

How might the control measure fail?

You have added the control measure Control to reduce the impact of Consequence.
How might Control fail? What could go wrong?

Example: the failure of a packaging machine could have a major impact, so we might keep an old machine for emergencies. But this old machine might not work when needed, because it has not been maintained.

Backup control

Add a backup control

How can you reduce the chances of Control failure occurring, or preventing Control from working?

Can Control failure be prevented from happening?

If it cannot be prevented, can we reduce the chances of it happening?
If it happens, can we reduce the impact, so that Control still works?

Perché utilizzare un modello di mappa concettuale Mindomo?

Le mappe mentali aiutano a fare brainstorming, a stabilire relazioni tra i concetti, a organizzare e generare idee.

Tuttavia, i modelli di mappe mentali offrono un modo più semplice per iniziare, in quanto sono strutture che contengono informazioni su un argomento specifico con istruzioni guida. In sostanza, i modelli di mappe mentali garantiscono la struttura che combina tutti gli elementi di un argomento specifico e servono come punto di partenza per la vostra mappa mentale personale. Sono una risorsa che fornisce una soluzione pratica per creare una mappa mentale su un particolare argomento, sia per il lavoro che per l'istruzione.

Mindomo offre modelli di mappe mentali intelligenti che consentono di lavorare e pensare senza sforzo.

Un modello ha diverse funzionalità:

Argomenti descrittivi

Argomenti con testo di sfondo

Ramo predefinito

Rimozione dei dati del modello

È possibile scegliere tra una varietà di modelli di mappe mentali dagli account aziendali o educativi di Mindomo, oppure creare i propri modelli di mappe mentali da zero. Qualsiasi mappa mentale può essere trasformata in un modello di mappa concettuale aggiungendo ulteriori note guida a uno dei suoi argomenti.