カテゴリー 全て - trade - alliance - war - control

によって lucy sullivan 3年前.



Between 1754 and 1774, significant events reshaped the relationship between Britain and its American colonies. The Seven Years War, which included conflicts over the Ohio Valley and involved various native tribes and French settlers, culminated in Britain taking Quebec and expelling the French from North America.



Post Seven Years War

Tea Act: 1773
tea would be sold in America only by agents of the East india company

The idea that this was a method of parliamentary control became exceedingly popular

Boston tea party - men dumped british tea into the harbor while dressed as natives

Quebec Act:1774

intended to ease strains that had arisen since the British conquest of the formerly french colony of Quebec

Intolerable Acts: 1774

punishment for the Boston tea Party; closed trade harbors until the citizens paid debt

Townshend Acts: 1767
Duties proposed by Charles Townshend on trade goods like paper, glass tea, etc

Boston Massacre, 1770: confrontation in Boston between British troops and Boston civilians that led to the death of 5 civilians

Stamp Act: 1764
required taxed stamps on every piece of printed material bought by colonists- broke the colonial tradition of self-imposed taxation

sparked protest; loyal nine, sons and daughters of liberty, boycotting British goods

Currency Act: 1764
outlawed most colonial paper money
Sugar Act: 1764
Revised existing customs such as the navigation acts, laid new duties on some imports to the colonies

Some colonists saw this as a threat, others such as Caribbean sugar planters benefitted

Proclamation line of 1763
designated how the headwaters of of rivers flowing into the Atlantic from the Appalachians as the western boundary for colonial settlement

colonists began to have grievances with Parliament due to this.

Real Whigs: stressed the dangers posed by a powerful government/monarch - Britain’s attempt to tighten the reins and raise revenues on the colonies had them begin to think this idea applied to them.

Britain had the challenge of raising revenue in order to pay the national debt that the war put them in
George Grenville: elected prime minister, believed the colonies should shoulder some of this debt and wanted to get a tighter grip on the affairs of the colonies

7 Years War 1756-1763

Result; Britain took Quebec and ousted the French from the continent
The Natives now find that their long-used tactics of setting foreign powers against each other is now useless
Treaty of Paris; 1763 declared the war over
Fighting over the Ohio Valley
Native tribes
Ohio Company
French Settlers
Albany Congress: 1754
25 delegates from each colony and over 200 delegates from native tribes gathered to To forge a stronger alliance with the Iroquois Coordinate plans for intercolonial defense