によって Mia Lulinski 5年前.
College Professor
A college professor is a highly educated individual, typically holding a doctoral degree, who imparts knowledge and expertise in their field to students. The role involves substantial research to develop lesson plans and convey complex topics effectively.
The life of a college professor Positives Academic freedom so they can research and create lessons so it never gets boring. Most get summers and holidays off What it was like 50 years ago Students were more respectful and less dependent Fewer institutions to teach at Negatives Highly competitive workplace so landing a job is difficult Job growth 15% from 2016 to 2026 Required education Doctoral degree Occupational Hazards Mental illness Best area for job growth Health specialties and nursing What is a college professor? Someone who is an expert in their field and teaches lessons to students taking their classes. They do research to create lessons so they can pass on their knowledge over a particular topic. Benefits Work travel expenses covered Tuition waivers Retirement plan such as 401K Health care and vision Vacation and holidays Salary Lowest yearly salary is $38,290 Median yearly salary in 2018 was $75,470 Highest yearly salary is $168,270