Intimate Partner Violence
Social epidemic/Major health threat
Measures to end the cycle of violence
Helping the victim in overcoming negative outcomes and helping them to free themselves from the cycle of violence
Types of Violence
Name-calling, perpetration, hitting, controlling behavior,
use of weapons, rape, intimidation
Ecological model/Strength-based perspective
Measures to build the empirical basis for theoretical development
Clinical assessment based on the impact of violence (e.g. mild to severe)
Effects of Violence
Physical, Psychological, Sexual, Economically
Domestic Violence
Factors to consider based on culture, class, education, income, ethnicity, age
Families & Children
Advocate for Empowerment
Challenging perpetrators
to end the cycle of violence
Population Serviced
Men, women, and children of all ages regardless of sexual orientation
Evaluatoin Focus
To determine if the needs of the client/victims are being met based on the following criteria listed below; to ensure that the written policies and procedures that govern the program are effective.