Mind Mapping with Mindomo
Mind mapping can improve learning and memory by 10 to 15% versus conventional note-taking and studying.
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"Mindomo has cut our project and event planning time down to at least 1/5 of what it used to be when we were using more traditional applications."
Get your work done with the magic of mind maps
Harness your team's creativity with mind maps and come up with the best possible plans for your company.
Exchange opinions and reach a better understanding of a project by easily sharing your mind map with your team.
Be free, work remotely and synchronize your offline and online content.
#simple to filter
Unfold your potential with mind maps
Make mind mapping the spotlight of your beliefs. Pinpoint your best ideas and turn to mind mapping to add clarity.
Quickly generate ideas and explore various creative paths. Use the multitude of functionalities that come in handy to play with your creative potential.
Take any difficulty as a positive challenge and come up with an action plan to find the best solution.
Beautiful presentations
Educate today the champions of tomorrow
Be innovative and explore a fresh teaching perspective with mind maps. Sketch and organize the courses, encourage online and offline collaboration, prepare content, texts, teaching material and resources.
Development and creativity go hand in hand. Experts of tomorrow are visionaries who apply their knowledge with mind mapping to solve problems and make smart decisions.
Have all materials and resources in one place then start assessing facts and reach fresh conclusions on any given subject.
New to mind mapping? Mindomo is easy to get started with and freely accessible.