by Дмитрий Бондарец 1 year ago
More like this
Type in the name of your organization and press Enter.
The question that investors will ask is How will you turn your forecasts into reality?
Having identified your product or service, and the demand for it in the market, how will you reach that market?
улучшение качества жизни
Describe exactly what customers will buy, how they will buy it, how it will be provided or delivered, and how it will be supported after purchase.
Think about:
по личным делам
отправить жить в другую страну
выберет сам
переселить в Крым
поддержание тонуса
увеличить продолжительность своей жизни
What campaigns are you planning to publicize your product or service? Examples include:
отправить жить
подарить машину
Toyota Land Cruiser Prado
психологические разговоры
поиск смысла жизни
любовь к жизни
любовь к себе
переорганизация дня
List the ways that you can reach your market segments. Examples include:
подарки без повода
каждый месяц высылать сумму на жизненные траты
закрыть кредиты
проработка личных и общих границ
работа над самим собой
все страны мира
Add a description of your market research.
What market research have you done to identify the best routes to market for your particular segment?
планирование детей
тщательное обследование
появление новой жизни
If you win the investment or support that you need, where will you start?
Add a risk.
Add the next step.
читать книги о здоровье
вещание дипломированных врачей
другие страны
с высоким уровнем жизни
What are the key points in the implementation of your plan? How will you know that you are making real progress?
Think about:
Add a milestone.
You will need credible forecasts of profitability and strategic benefits if you are proposing investment in your business.
How will your costs base change as a result of your initiatives? Think about:
Add a key point from the costs forecast.
How will sales increase as a result of your initiatives? Think about:
Add a key point from the sales forecast.
компания ORIFLAME
It must be clear to investors what you are asking for, when you need it and when & how it will be repaid - in short, what value they will get for their investment.
Add highlights of the return or repayment plan for investors. Consider:
от работы
от учёбы
больше соц ролей
чем больше соц ролей, тем лучше человек социализирован
для получения результата
организация лучшей жизни, чем есть сейчас
Add a sum-up of how this investment will be spent. Include:
Add a summary of how much is required and when.
внутренняя наполненность
внешнее изобилие
Investors will ask: how well do you know your customers and your market? Your business plan should show that you are targeting your market by well-defined segments and are focused on creating value for customers.
Describe the vision and the opportunity that the plan is based on.
The investor's question you answer here is Where are you headed, and why?
для возможности максимального использования своих личностных преимуществ
быть полезной обществу и своему окружению
достижение не просто нормального; а феноменального в жизни
Provide your investors with a clear picture of your business: how it is structured, who owns it, who runs it, and how it is doing so far?
Summarize the record of your credit history.
Add some information about the current shareholding.
How much have the current owners invested in the business?
Add some information about your current profitability.
For example:
Add some information about the capital finance situation at your company.
рисование на холсте
выступление на сценах
метание ножей
практическая стрельба
из пистолета
из лука
на теплоходе
поездка в другую страну/город
ГДЕ хочешь побывать?
во всех странах мира
Add some information about the regulatory environment that affects your company. Apart from company law, what other regulations apply to your sector? Consider:
прогулки на свежем воздухе
Add some information about the governance of your organization.
What is the legal status of your organization? Are you a sole trader, a limited company with shareholders, or a non-profit?
Although the executive summary appears first in the document, it is easier to complete it last, when you can summarise and prioritize the key points in your plan.
4 млн долларов
Add short descriptions of the key products and services which bring your mission to life and are making it happen.
по бизнесу
при совершенствовании и росте бизнеса (для переговоров; экономии времени; для общего предпринимательства в целом
для родственников
Summarise the value and the difference that your organization aims to create. Mission statements are more useful if they describe the difference that you want to make to your customer's lives, rather than what you want to achieve personally. Your mission statement should directly influence strategic decisions.
на каждого члена семьи
в раздумьях
~20 млн руб обе в сумме
Your business plan is a commercially sensitive document and you may wish to add a confidentiality statement (or non-disclosure agreement) at the front of the document.
Type in or attach your statement of confidentiality
1 700 000 €
от 192 м2
иной менталитет
новые знакомые=общение
новые пути для самореализации
свободная точка местожительства в другой стране
от 3 млн
63 м2
от 30 тыс/мес
место тихое; свободное; с чистым воздухом
от 140 м2
от 19 млн
с максимальными удобствами
+ уют в деталях
насыщение предметами интерьера
дизайнерски (белые/пастельные/черные тона)
с этажом
от 7 млн
100 м2