Categories: All - density - metric - notation - precision

by Rhaitaysha Bruhn 1 year ago


1 Science Skills

Understanding scientific measurements and conversions is essential for accuracy and precision in experiments. The metric system serves as the standard for these measurements, using units like liters for liquids, meters for length, and grams for weight.

1 Science Skills

Unit 1 Science Skills

Mini Lecture 1.2 Metric to Metric Conversions

Driving Question

Accuracy- How close a measurement is to the known value

Precision- How close a measurement is to one another

Metric System:

Kilo- 1000 units (k)

Hecto- 100 units (h)

Deka- 10 units (da)

(To convert to a larger unit, move decimal point to the left or divide)

Basic Unit

Deci- 0.1 units (d)

Centi- 0.01 units (c)

Milli- 0.001 units (m)

(To convert to a smaller unit, move decimal point to the right or mulitiply)

1) What is the difference between Accuracy and Precision?

3) What are the Conversion Rules

Conversion from one unit to another:

1) Write the GIVEN value and Unit in the top of the first box

2) Write the GIVEN value unit in the bottom of the second box and the unit you are finding in the top of the second box

3) *Compare the units then give the LARGEST unit a value of 1

4) Cancel like units and complete the math.

1000cm/0 1m/100cm= 10.00 M

64in/0 2.54cm/1in= 162.56cm

4) What is Density

Density (g/mL) : Mass (g) / Volume (mL) (per unit volume)

2) What are the metric units?

1) Scientific Notation
Should Know's
1) Addition and Multiplication Rule

Mini Lecture 1.1 Using Significant Figures

1) Calculate

Calculations (Multiplication Rule)

1) 0.064 x 4.31 = 0.27580

2) 0.28

3) 2.8 e -1

Calculations (Scientific Notation)

1) 5.7259 e 11 / 1.265 e 7 = 4.5264 (11-7=4) e 4

(Remember to subtract exponents of division, add exponents of multiplication)

2) 4.526

3) 4.526 e 4

2) Sig Figs ( Round )

3) Scientific Notation

Driving Questions
How to express significant figures?

What is the Zero Rule?

What is the Addition and Subtraction rounding rule?

Rounding Rule for Addition and Subtraction

(Fewest # of digits after the decimal point)

Example: 28.0cm + 23.538cm + 25.86cm = 77.218cm

1) 5.74 + 0.823 + 2.651 = 9.214 = 9.21 (Addition)

2) 4.8 - 3.965 = 0.835 = 0.8 (Subtraction)

Rounding Rule for Multiplication and Division

(The answer must have the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the fewest numbers of significant figures.)


24x3.28= 78.72 =79

Should Do's
Should Knows

Mini Lecture 1.0 Scientific Variables

Should Knows 1. Define: Independent variable, dependent variable, constant, control Should Do's 1. Create a testable question and hypothesis for an experiment. 2. Represent data graphically.
What are the Different Types of Graphs?


Pie Graph


How Do I Write a Hypothesis?

Contain an independent and dependent variable

Claim, Justify, Evidence

Be measurable

be clear and understandable

Be testible

Explain what you expect to happen

How Do I Write a Testable Question?

If i change__ will it affect __?

Does changing__ affect __?

How does changing ___ affect___?

What are Experimental Variables?

What are the different experimental variables?


Variable that stays the same/constistent


Normal Conditions

Independent Variable

The one thing you change (The actual measurement)


Always on the x axis

Dependent Variable

Variable that changes because of independent variables. (results)


Y axis

Variable = anything that is changed in an experiment


Main topic
