Categories: All - liberalism - government - diplomacy - reagan

by Keira Korzeb 6 years ago


1980 Election

The 1980 election marked a significant shift in American politics, signaling the decline of liberalism and the rise of conservatism. Economic stagnation, exacerbated by the aftermath of the Great Society programs and compounded by crises such as Watergate, the oil embargo, and the Iran hostage situation, eroded public confidence in the federal government.

1980 Election

1980 Election

Ronald Reagan

Was an actor in Hollywood films
Governor of California
Faith in traditional values
strong support of military
he had an opposition to big government

New Right

supported "sagebrush rebels"
activists who thought the federal government had too much control in western states
More control to the states
Supported traditional family life-style
married father and mother and their children
Affirmative action led to reverse discrimination
Criticized federal welfare programs
rewarded lack of effort
Unfunded mandates
programs required but not paid for by the federal government
Government taxed citizens and businesses too heavily
Liberal policies were to blame for stagflation
Resurgent conservative movement, a coalition of varying groups with the same ideas and goals


Relied on own national defense to actively fight against communism
Supported traditional values, not counterculture
Reduce taxes and limit government regulations
Liberal policies left rising inflation and enormous waste
Felt large government intervention damaged economic growth and individual choice groth

Religious Factor

Emphasis on traditional values of life
Reached out to those not participating in the political process
Moral Majority
worked to fulfill religious goals

Downfall of Liberalism

Decline in northern economies lowered optimism for the future
Economy stagnated after the Great Society
Watergate, oil crisis, and Iran hostage crisis weakened the public's faith in the federal government
white conservative christians in the south
alienated mid-western Americans
Vietnam War and urban riots


International diplomacy to combat communism
Cooperation with international organizations
United Nations
Greater government regulation of industry
Sponsored laws that protected rights of minorities and women
Valued social programs
help needy, elder, unemployed
Federal government have a significant role in society