Categories: All - tlak

by Edna Hamulić 3 years ago



V chemii hraje rovnováha klíčovou roli při určování směru a rozsahu reakcí. Rovnováha je ovlivněna několika faktory, včetně koncentrace reaktantů a produktů, teploty a tlaku. Zvýšení koncentrace reaktantů nebo snížení koncentrace produktů posunuje rovnováhu směrem k tvorbě produktů, zatímco opačné změny posunují rovnováhu směrem k tvorbě reaktantů.


Kemijska ravnoteža

Conflict is present everywhere in the world around us. We experience conflict on a daily basis, and it can be minor or major.

Conflict in a story is a struggle between opposing forces. Characters must act to confront those forces and there is where conflict is born. If there is nothing to overcome, there is no story. Conflict in a story creates and drives the plot forward.


- vodikov peroksid + MnO2:
- modra galica:
- vulkan:

Stupanj iskorištenja reakcije

This conflict develops from a protagonist’s inner struggles and may depend on a character trying to decide between good and evil or overcoming self-doubt. This conflict has both internal and external aspects, as obstacles outside the protagonist's force them to deal with inner issues.

- omjer mase dobivenog produkta i maksimalne (teorijske) mase produkta koju je bilo moguće dobiti iz zadanih reaktanata

Give examples of man versus self conflict in a literary work.

Kemijske reakcije - vrsta

In this type of conflict, a character must take on society itself, and not a single person. The character stands at odds with societal norms and realizes the necessity to work against these norms. This is an external conflict.

toplina iz okoline ulazi u sustav
toplina iz sustava izlazi van
reverzibilne (povratne); ⇄

Give examples of man versus society conflict in the real world.

- ravnotežne; ⇌

Example of real world

- fotosinteza, isparavanje/kondenzacija, otapanje soli
ireverzibilne (nepovratne); ⟶

Give examples of man versus society conflict in a literary work.

- zagrijavanje bjelanjka, gorenje ugljikovodika, polimerizacija, hrđanje, truljenje

Konstanta kemijske ravnoteže (Kc)

A situation in which two characters have opposing desires or interests. The typical scenario is a conflict between the protagonist and antagonist. This is an external conflict.

tlačna konstanta
- vrijedi za reakciju u kojoj su R i P plinovi, a pritom se rabe vrijednosti parcijalnih tlakova u ravnotežnoj smjesi
ako su vrijednosti Kc u intervalu od 10^-2 do 10^2, prisutni su i R i P

Give examples of man versus man conflict in the real world.

- sustav je zatvoren u ravnotežnoj reakciji
- mijenja se promjenom temperature
Guldberg-Waageov zakon

Give examples of man versus man conflict in a literary work.

Kc je omjer umnožaka ravnotežnih množinskih konc. P i R potenciranih apsolutnim vrijednostima njihovih steh. brojeva pri određenoj temperaturi

This situation results from a protagonist working against what has been foretold for that person. While this conflict was more prevalent in stories where gods could control fate, such as in ancient Greek dramas, there are still examples of this type of conflict in more contemporary literature.


Since in real life we can't say that such examples of man versus supernatural, there are some superstitions that can influence a person's life.

Give examples of these superstitions.

- ubrzavaju reakcije u jednom i drugom smjeru, ravnoteža se uspostavlja brže, ali ne utječu na pomak ravnoteže
promjena tlaka

Give examples of man versus fate conflict in a literary work.

- nema učinka kada je N(R)=N(P)
- smanjenje tlaka pogoduje smjeru reakcije koja dovodi do povećanja ukupnog broja molekula (povećanja tlaka)
- povećanje ukupnog tlaka uzrokuje pomak ravnoteže u smjeru reakcije koja dovodi do smanjenja ukupnog broja molekula (smanjenja tlaka)

Čimbenici koji utječu na KR

In this type of conflict, a character is tormented by natural forces such as storms or animals. This is also an external conflict.

promjena temperature

Give examples of man versus nature conflict in the real world.

- jedini čimbenik koji mijenja vrijednost konstante kemijske ravnoteže (Kc)
- u endotermnim reakcijama ravnoteža je pri višoj temp. pomaknuta prema P, a pri nižoj temp. prema R
- u egzotermnim reakcijama ravnoteža se sniženjem temp. pomiče prema P, a povišenjem temp. prema R
promjena koncentracije

Give examples of man versus nature conflict in a literary work.

- pri povećanju konc. R ili smanjenju konc. P, ravnoteža se pomiče u smjeru nastajanja P; pri smanjenju konc. R ili povećanju konc. P, ravnoteža se pomiče u smjeru nastajanja R
Literary Work

La Chatelierovo načelo

A more contemporary type of conflict, this situation results from humans involved in a struggle with man-made machines. This is an external conflict.

- ako se promijeni jedan od uvjeta pri kojima se sustav nalazi u stanju kemijske ravnoteže, pomak reakcije bit će u smjeru one reakcije koja teži da se suprotstavi toj promjeni i da se uspostave prethodni uvjeti

Give examples of man versus machine conflict in a literary work.