Categories: All - relationships - funding - logistics - community

by Beth R 1 year ago


A local carrot - Copy

A local carrot farmer is considering selling produce to a food bank, integrating the delivery into their existing routes. The farmer has the necessary time and truck space, but if no route exists, the food bank possesses the trucks and drivers needed.

A local carrot - Copy

Solid Ground South King County Food Coalition

Food safety considerations HAACAP plan

FareStart Musang


Not enough cold storage

Donated elsewhere

Restaurant/meal prep org picks up
Restaurant/meal prep org staff decides how to prepare food

Curates CSA-style boxes for customers

Pickles or cans food for long-term storage

Cooks ready-to-eat meals

Pay-what-you can model

Given as free meals

Customer comes to restaurant/central location

Sold for profit

Delivered to restaurant


Packed immediately

Food bank organizes volunteers to come help pack boxes

Food bank has relationship with farmer or is able to build one

Farmer does not have extra produce and food bank has no funds

Food bank does not have relationship

Food bank or others can connect customers with farmer

Food is distributed to people


More dignity COVID risk
People come to pick up

Pre-set food boxes

Volunteer drivers or delivery network

Need transportation

Food Lifeline Northwest Harvest Smaller pantries

Delivered to homes

Prepared by people at home


Delivered to central location

Food bank picks up

Farmer delivers

Food bank needs loading dock space

Insufficient: waiting period
Risk of food spoiling Additional resources required from food bank or farmer to store
Sufficient: move forward
Carrot needs cold storage

Food bank has cold storage: Carrot packed when needed

Insufficient packing area

Sufficient packing area space

Food bank needs to identify potential customers

Food bank has evaluation metrics and needs to collect information

Fewer customers served

Food bank has unrestricted funds and customers self-identify

Food bank has funds to purchase carrot

From donations Profit from some paid services (if any) External funding (philanthropy? subsidy?)

Food bank has volunteer network

Farmer has extra produce

Farmer has time to harvest extra for donation

Gleaners come to harvest extra produce

More of population given opportunity to experience farming/ecology

Carrot is donated to food bank

Carrot sold to food bank

Carrot needs to be transported from farm to food bank

No existing delivery route
Food bank has trucks, drivers, time
Food bank fits into existing farmer delivery route
Farmer has time and truck space

Restaurant prepares meal

Customer picks up

Restaurant repacks into curated box

Volunteer picks up and delivers to neighborhood location

Person gets box and takes home
Prepares food


Local carrot

Farm delivers to food bank

Solid ground delivers to restaurant

Farmer delivers to restaurant

Restaurant holds food

Food bank does not have funds to buy produce

Food bank has funds to buy produce

Food bank is unaware of local food quality
Food bank is aware of quality of local produce
Food bank does not have relationships with local farmer
Food bank has relationships with local farmer

Food bank and farmer agree on price

Staff time Kitchen space Food safety certifications

Knowledge of model Willingness for risk Community spirit Involved community

Customers with money Advertising/reputation

Excess money/grants Method of identifying recipients

Cooking knowledge Kitchen equipment Energy costs Time

Drivers Refrigerated vehicles Other holding location

Drivers Vehicles Volunteer/staff time

Infrastructure investment Logistics management Staff/volunteer time Boxes

Waste management system Space

Infrastructure investment Logistics management Energy costs

Forethought/planning Infrastructure investment Logistics management Shared infrastrucutre

Funds from food bank Awareness of quality Relationships

Excess from farmer Gleaners harvest Relationships

A local carrot

Food bank wants local carrot

Farmer offers CSA, growing a variety of crops

Farmer seeks to connect to customers
Farmer has time to advertise and connect with customers

Farmer needs boxes to be packed

Farmer has time to pack boxes

Sold via other methods