by Dominic Fernandes 9 months ago
More like this
what's the weather?
What's the weather like today?
Regarding Order no 27174, which has just arrived today. I have unpacked everything and inflated the Explorer 2 person Kayak! BUT at here i
/i spoke to Tom earlier this week and he approved a 10% BLC discount on an order once completed. I was following up on this as I have now completed an order
I have missing part of my order
I need to update my email
I want to know why you have sent empty boxes instead of replacement Foam walls and poles
Bits missing from order
Someone was supposed to pick up my pump and liner today
I raised a support ticket on Friday and haven't had a reply yet
Is this a person or a computer
iv just been on chat you said you would get back to me but it came up erra my name is david pogson can you tell me what isgoing on ,as i have to go back to work
Hi there - I emailed customer support about this a week ago
I troubled shoot everything and still not working. What is my next step
W108529 my order number I have already spoken about the issue when will you be in touch
i lost connection please check my answer regarding my combo not heating up
Need missing item sent
Hi I dint ni what linner I need
148255 my order
I lost my extension to my cover
What if you decide you can’t fix my heater? Do I just lose it and it never works again?
Edesk Test channel changed to US shopify:
This is a test question, validating channel association. Is that ok with you?
test zoe
speak to somone
Can I speak to an online assistant
i want to "chat" with a person
chat to paddy or tom
Talk to a person
speak to someone
Connect with team
I would like to chat with customer services
How can i speak with some one
Can I speak to a person please?
I need to speak to a live agent, please?
I need to speak to a live agent, please
Can I chat with a service team member
I need to talk to advisor
Is there a person I can speak with please
Talk to advisor
Agent please
Could you connect me to Paddy please?
Can I speak to an agent
Talk to an advisor
Speak to somebody please
i want to speak to someone
Can I speak to Paddy
Was chatting with tom but lost him
Can I speak to someone
I need to speak to an agent please
Speak to afvisor
Speak to person
Speak to somebody please.
Can I speak to paddy
I requested a phone call as our hot tube isn’t working ! Been happing now for a while ! We are still under guarantee 07572444668
I was in a chat with Tom and it froze, need to go back
Speak to someone
When will u habe more stock as you are out
Good afternoon
Could you check my order
Deliver overdue
Air button not registering
i have a technical question
I have a wuestion
Help with irder
Delivery enquiry
Help with my order
Do you femide
Regarding my pre order
we want to order but need help
What's the lead time on
What is FC?
My order number
Hi, is there any difference between these two?
Hi Wage,
✨ I have a question
Return item
Missing part
Online chat
when will you have sold out items in stock of spare parts
Hi, when will you be getting these insulated lids back in stock please?
Some of those are not in stock. Can you list the ones that are in stock please.