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by Telmo Ponce 4 years ago


Anuel AA

Anuel AA

Anuel AA

To name your story, you have to think about the overall message and what you want your audience to understand from the story. Also, make it relevant and easy to remember.

Bizitza personala

The ending of a story is essential. We all know that if the ending is weak, what happened before loses its importance. So make it unpredictable, but fair. A resolved ending answers all the questions and ties up any loose threads from the plot.

Atxiloketa 2016ko apirilaren 3an, Anuel AA beste pertsona batzuekin batera atxilotu zuten, agintarien arabera, Gazmey-k Tabaco & Ron Lounge San Juan diskoteka utzi zuen Santurtziko (Puerto Rico) 16 abeslariari hiru pistola atzeman zizkioten, horietako bat lapurtu zuten. ; a .40 kalibreko 23 Glock; Glock 30 kalibrea .45 eta Glock modeloa 19 kalibre 9 mm; 9 aldizkari eta 152 munizio, 2007ko Honda Accord auto batean.17 Anuel AAko zaleek manifestazio batera deitu zuten Guaynaboko kartzela federalaren alde 2016ko maiatzaren 15ean.18 Manifestariek abeslariari aipatzen zituzten pankartak eta zigarroak zeramatzaten, agintariek atxilotu zutenean.19 Existitzen zen. Askatzeko kanpaina Free Anuel izenekoa.20 2016ko uztailaren 19an, Anuel AAri 30 hilabeteko kartzela zigorra ezarri zioten suzko armak legez kanpo edukitzeagatik Atxilotu arren, ez zuen oztopo izan kantu berriak kaleratzeko; esate baterako, Ayer 2 izeneko Ayer abestiaren bertsio berria, J Balvin, Nicky Jam eta Cosculluelaren lankidetza izan zuena; Diskoa grabatzeko, telefono dei baten bidez kantatu behar izan zuen, egoera hori bere zaleek ondo jaso zuten Youtuben eta abestia igo zeneko beste plataformetan ikusi zuten moduan. Anuel AA-k RIAAk ziurtatutako platinozko diskoa jaso zuen DJ Nelson-en produkzioarekin grabatutako Ayer single-aren salmenta handiei esker. Era berean, eskerrak eman zizkion laguntza ematen jarraitu zuten eta egoera izan arren ahaztu ez zuten pertsona guztiei.

This is the closure section of the story.
See examples of possible outcomes below:

Try answering these questions in order for you to come up with a closure:
- Have all problems been solved?
- Is it clear what happens with all your characters in the story?
- Has the challenged transformed your main character?
- How do the characters feel in the end?


Try answering these questions to come up with a closure:
- Have all the problems been solved?
- Is there a clear picture of what happens with each character in the story?
- Has the challenge transformed your main character?
- How do the characters feel in the end?

Musika Ibilbidea

The middle of the story is where you add layers of complications that will lead to the end. Reveal more about the character's journey. Did their personality go through changes? How did they overcome the challenges? And as you build up the story’s central conflict, make it more personal to that character. Also, from the middle act, you have to lead into the final act.

Albumak azterketa 2018: Real hasta la muerte 2020: Emmanuel Elkarlaneko albumak 2021: Los Dioses (Ozunarekin)
Musika hastapenak (2010-2014) Anuel AA 2010ean hasi zen grabatzen Casper Mágico artistarekin bikote gisa, eta horrela Anuel & Casper bikotea osatu zuen, bikote honen abestietako bat interneten erraz aurki daitezkeen Somos Gangstas izan zen, beste abesti batzuk ere grabatu ziren eta bikotea Oina zuen aurrera jarraitzeko Casper droga trafikoagatik atxilotu zuten arte eta Anuel bakarlari gisa mantendu zen. Bakarlari gisa, Demonia izenburua zuen lehen musika izenburua kaleratu zuen Ñengo Flow konpainian 2011. urtearen amaieran. hala nola, No falls in love edo Death Before Dishonor, biak 2012an argitaratuak, 2013an Soon I will return edo Some bezalako abestiak kaleratu zituen, Ñengo Flow-en laguntzari esker Ozuna, besteak beste, Puerto Rico eta Estatu Batuak 2014an. Aurten Slave of your body, Street Poem bezalako abestiak kaleratu ditu, besteak beste.

Your character(s) need(s) motivation in order to solve the challenge(s).

Other character

Secondary characters might also have motives that lead them to cross paths with the main character or which might trigger them to help the main character.

Main character

Why does your character need to confront this challenge? What does he/she expect to accomplish by solving it?
See a few examples:


Nor da Anuel?

In the beginning of the story (or the exposition), you will need to introduce the setting and characters. You might also want to introduce the main conflict. This part of the story is important because it gives the reader necessary background information and maybe even a first insight into a character’s personality.

Carolina, Puerto Rico-ko klase ertaineko familia batetik zetorren. Anuel 1992ko azaroaren 27an jaio zen, Nilda Santiagoren semea eta José Gazmey musikari eta enpresaria, A&R-ko presidenteorde izan zen Puerto Ricoko Sony Music-en, Nor da Tempo abeslari lagunaren laguna. Carolinako María Auxiliadora ikastetxean ikasi zuen, eta bere prestakuntzan zehar musikarekiko interesa erakutsi zuen, bere ibilbidea 2010ean hasi zuen Maybach Music zigiluarekin.
Emmanuel Gazmey Santiago (Carolina, Puerto Rico; 1992ko azaroaren 27a), artistikoki Anuel AA izenarekin ezagutzen dena, reggaetoi eta latineko trapeko rapper puertorrikarra da. 2016an artista atzeman eta askatasuna kendu zioten eta hilabete batzuk geroago 30 hilabeteko kartzela zigorra ezarri zioten suzko armak edukitzeagatik. 2018an hiri musikako eszenara itzuli zen eta handik bi urtera, azken abestia argitaratu zuen musikatik erretiratzea.

Characters are essential to a good story. Usually, the protagonist(s) is/are the most affected by the plot. Introduce a character by focusing on their actions, interests, and occupation, as the physical appearance doesn't make a difference in most cases.

Character's name

Type in the name of your character.


Add other qualities/attributes of the character.

Main Goal

What is your character's main goal?

fight Evilfind lovedefeat his/her enemyrule the worldmake friendstime travelmake an awesome discoveryOther

Character traits

Which traits best describe the character's personality? Choose more if necessary:


Type of character

Choose the type of your chacter:

Protagonist (main character)Antagonist (main character's opponent)Flat (stereotypical character)Round (his/ her personality develops throughout the story)Static (doesn't evolve as a person throughout the story)Dynamic (dramatical change in personality)Confidant (the main character trusts him/ her)Foil (contrasting character who enhances the personality of another character)Other