Categories: All - innovation - perspective - staff - improvement

by Jacob Duncan 4 years ago


Apply Fresh Perspective

Embracing the philosophy of thinking big and taking risks is essential for long-term success. Believing in an idea, even if it faces some criticism, is crucial because it's impossible to please everyone.

Apply Fresh Perspective

Think Big

Think broad

We would also think broad with our current products in order of how to improve them, an example would be say the iPhone if we wanted to add a night vision camera to it, this is a extreme example but still a relevant one
If we have one product that is susseful we would think of another not far fetched product that is still similar but different and would also try to sell that in order to expand more and take up more market share and make more money

Take risks

If we have a idea that we and many other people believe would be great but some people might not like we would still do it because there is always going to be some people that dont like something
We would take risks if we have something we believe would work and make money we would get business loans to hire people or to buy land or more stock if need be

Keep expanding

We would not get lost in our vision if we start making money we would still try and provide the best product and service we could
After our first sussesful product or idea we would not stop there, we would countinue to expand and improve whatever product or service for as long as I work there

Start off small

Once something is a success we expand our buisness and hire more staff and make more products
Start off small putting a lot of effort into one product and when that goes big then start to think big and expand

Apply Fresh Perspective

Reach out to our consumners or community and see what they want or think

We would put our consumers ideas first as they have already bought our product and would be the backbone of our perspective
Find and seek out the people who actually buy and use our product and ask them what they would like to see change

Use social media to apply a fresh perspective

Make a website and have a place where people can send us feedback and ideas for improvment or a new product
Post stuff on social media platforms such as Instagram and see what people have to say about our product

Hire new staff and keep things fresh

We would also keep our old staff as they are loyal and would still hire some people that our not just consumers but would allow a different perspective on the product or project thay may apply even though they arent a direct consumer of our product.
We would hire new staff as need be and if possible would have most of the staff be made up of consumers of our product as they would understand any changed is need be.

Take a deep look at the product ourselves and see what we like and dislike about it

We would also go into deep analysis of our product and everyone would be testing or consuming it to come up with new ideas
We would test and consume the product ourselvs to to make sure we have a clean and fresh perspective