Categories: All - mito - architettura

by Francesca Laurora 2 years ago


Arte Greca vs Arte Romana

L'arte romana è nota per il suo imponente fasto decorativo e un'attenzione particolare alla realtà storica. La grandiosità e la praticità sono al centro delle opere romane, che spaziano dai palazzi e ville ai fori, basiliche, circhi e terme.

Arte Greca vs Arte Romana

Arte Greca vs Arte Romana

Learn more about hurricanes and tornadoes, the areas of the world they affect, how they are formed and when, and what you can do to survive such an extreme storm.

Arte Greca

The classification system for hurricanes is called The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, and it's a 1 to 5 categorization of the hurricane's intensity at the indicated time.

Each category expresses the intensity in miles per hour. Example: category 1 (74-95 mph).

Type in the other 4 categories.

Tempio greco
Teatro greco
Polis e agorà
Ricerca di canoni in architettura e scultura
Il teatro
Il tempio (sentieri-acropoli)
Gli dei come soggetto dell'arte

Type in the two official seasons from the Atlantic and Pacific.

Which are the areas/countries of the world hit most frequently or severely by hurricanes? Choose from the options below or add your own.

ChinaPhilippinesGrand CaymanJapanAustraliaUnited StatesCaribbeanMexicoTaiwanVietnamAtlantic CoastOther










Hurricanes are the most violent, swirling storms on Earth, with winds that can go up to 259 kilometers per hour.
A hurricane's forming elements:

Periodo Ellenistico

IV secolo a.C.

Periodo Classico

V secolo a.C.

Periodo Arcaico

VIII secolo a.C.

Arte Romana

Interesse per l'uomo e ricerca di perfezione

The classification system for tornadoes is called The Fujita Scale (or F scale), and it's an F0 to F6 categorization of the tornado's intensity.

Each category expresses the intensity in miles per hour.

Example: category F0 (40–72 mph; includes damages to trees, chimneys, and billboards).

Type in the other 5 categories.

Palazzo, villa, domus...
Foro, basilica, circo, terme
Colonna, arco, acquedotti, ponti
Statuaria imperiale
Rapporto con il mito

Tornadoes can occur almost all over the world, but US's unique geography makes it the ideal place for their development.
Type in the tornado seasons in the United States, taking into account the
Southeast and Northern Plains regions.

Dei come soggetto dell'arte
Culto dell'imperatore

Which are the areas/countries of the world hit most frequently or severely by tornadoes? Choose from the options below or add your own.

North AmericaEuropeSouth AfricaPhilipppinesBangladeshNew ZealandSouth AmericaCanadaOther
Attenzione alla realtà storica
Fasto decorativo

Tornadoes are local storms of short duration (this ranges between 5 and 10 minutes) formed of winds that rotate at very high speeds, usually in a counter-clockwise direction.
A tornado's characteristics:

VIII secolo a.C. - V secolo d.C.