by Anthony Gardiner 7 years ago
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Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Shelly Turner
Shelly Webinar
Joe Barnes Jason Tibett & Jedi Entrepreneurs
Weekly Clean Up
aWe need to delete bla bla messages as many are used to simply communicate to you
Register for this please
I asked the group admin if you too could join in
Create a Facebook Add
Business Success Made Easy
Builder All Made Easy
We discussed purchasing let's do that when funds arrive
How To Add Multiple Pixels
Me asking in Jedi Group
I think we are up to...
the event tracking code now......
in my mind that is saying when someone comes to our site, they get 'captured' as a visitor... we can then remarket to them
I think... the event tracking code will be telling us what they do next...
I,m of to learn more!
Finding clarity at the url link added...
I have had some good learnings here...
Message me for access details lara
The orig Vuente Pixel is renamed to BA Made Easy
I did this because i felt it cleaned up and aligned to where the pixel was instaled,
I haven't yet worked out how to create a second pixel within business manager, however it has been suggested that is after you create an ad
Our Pixel is installed...
ate areas far as i know in
I have also instaled it in our affiliate area
I have watched...
I have installed G Chrome extension have you?
Video shows silently what I have instaled
I have installed the pixel on this site
Note URL change Lara
I am trying...
to get to the stage of knowing what pages a visiotor has gone throught. Ultimately I would like to see us running an add to a like audience of current BA users, yet who are not using BA,
In my anal analytical head we need... (we don't really, I just don't want to waste good dollars and not know what worked and what didn't) ... know who looked at the optin and who didn't go through to the thank you page
This would atleast tell us, or myself, what needs to be refined, example being, did they see the value in trying out this platform
Edit Site
Made Easy Programs
Greg White building a site fast
leanardo offer
Lead Gen
Great post
Membership sites
BA Masters
Sales funnel pdf
ego video
Chrome extension to see just ads, great to see what others are doing
chrome extension for responsive site testin
Google analytics
How To Instal Your Heatmap
You may consider the effort you've put in to your website as just the beginning.
Knowing what visitors are doing is the next most critical step.
For that... Heatmapping is just one tool.
FB Pixel
Google Tag Manager
This second subdomain I changed the address to point to then its working also
I had trouble adding this because of an error in adding CNAME because sometimes, setting up a new subdomain will automatically create an A Record in BlueHost, so I deleted the A record then cname was added