Categories: All - market - testimonials - marketing - outsourcing

by Debbie Lattuga 15 years ago


Bulletproof Business Blueprint

An effective business blueprint encompasses a series of meticulously planned steps aimed at ensuring success. Initially, conducting thorough market research and generating diverse ideas are crucial.

Bulletproof Business Blueprint

Bulletproof Business Blueprint

Module 3

Email Marketing Strategy
Be Cool

Always a good reminder.

List Building
Build Strong Opt-in Page

Module 2

Build One Time Offer
Build Product
Build Sales Video

So simple, a cave man could do it!

Forums/ Blogs
Product/ Domain Name Strategy

Module 4

Find JV's and Affiliates
Test and Track
Create Teaser Videos

See note in Module 2 under Create Sales Video

Keyword Research

Module 5

Rinse and Repeat
Outsourcing/ Hiring Employees
Continuity Programs
Higher Priced Back-end Products

Module 1

Pick Price Point
Twitter/ Social Media
Get Testimonials

Yes, even before you create your product

Market Research
Brainstorm Ideas