Effort Mind Maps - Public Gallery

Explore our wide public collection of effort mind maps created by Mindomo users all over the world. Here, you can find all public diagrams related to effort. You can view these examples to get some inspiration. Some diagrams also give you the right to copy and edit them. This flexibility allows you to use these mind maps as templates, saving time and giving you a strong starting point for your work. You can contribute to this gallery with your own diagrams once you make them public, and you can be a source of inspiration for other users and be featured here.

FITT Principal
Nickie Spencer

FITT Principal

by Nickie Spencer

Recipe For Success in ICS
Hashim Hamed - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Recipe For Success in ICS

by Hashim Hamed - Rick Hansen SS (2542)

Woon Kiat


by Woon Kiat

Carol Vezina


by Carol Vezina

Memory Principles
Phil P.

Memory Principles

by Phil P.

Hanna Shniukava


by Hanna Shniukava

pro/ English achievement tests for international
nOur al-jawayed

pro/ English achievement tests for international

by nOur al-jawayed

Sebastian Eguis
Sebastian Eguis

Sebastian Eguis

by Sebastian Eguis

Matt Witt


by Matt Witt

Raider JTest
Louis Naber

Raider JTest

by Louis Naber

no pain no gain ws callahan
sloan frazarri

no pain no gain ws callahan

by sloan frazarri

Anne Adrian


by Anne Adrian

eltaba2a elsha2eya in court CM
Khalid Adel

eltaba2a elsha2eya in court CM

by Khalid Adel

in my mind
Hayati Ahsan

in my mind

by Hayati Ahsan

Omar Acosta
Omar Acosta

Omar Acosta

by Omar Acosta

Negative and Positive Thinkers
Ingrid López

Negative and Positive Thinkers

by Ingrid López

My Personal Goal- Graduating secondary school with honours
Brown-Roopnarine Aminah

My Personal Goal- Graduating secondary school with honours

by Brown-Roopnarine Aminah

Callahan  091
Audrey snyd

Callahan 091

by Audrey snyd

Essay Fixed Mindset - Williamson
Erik Williamson

Essay Fixed Mindset - Williamson

by Erik Williamson

Personal Portfolio 1
Lindsi Hayes

Personal Portfolio 1

by Lindsi Hayes

Peter Theis


by Peter Theis

Sense of Self- Children develop knowledge, beliefs, judgments, and feelings about themselves.(446)
Savanna Robbins

Sense of Self- Children develop knowledge, beliefs, judgments, and feelings about themselves.(446)

by Savanna Robbins

Personal goals
Elphage Jayden

Personal goals

by Elphage Jayden

Angelo Bonaccorso


by Angelo Bonaccorso

Learning by Myself
Jose Bedón

Learning by Myself

by Jose Bedón

Mind Map for Mindset Essay
James Haggerty

Mind Map for Mindset Essay

by James Haggerty

Fixed Mindset- Hadley Engels
Hadley Engels

Fixed Mindset- Hadley Engels

by Hadley Engels

Elizabeth Wilson


by Elizabeth Wilson

Growth Mindset
Ethan Casey

Growth Mindset

by Ethan Casey

Kainth Harman


by Kainth Harman

Motivational Manifesto
Dwainne Gamiao

Motivational Manifesto

by Dwainne Gamiao

Social media content strategy plan
Steve Gillson

Social media content strategy plan

by Steve Gillson

Mindset - Copy
Stella Mosley

Mindset - Copy

by Stella Mosley

essay question: Drawing on Dwecks
book mindset, what are the fixed and growth mindset? in the mindsets, where does a person gain self esteem? as a result, how do the mindsets influence a persons motivation to learn? Explain in detail. set up all arguments and define all central terms
Shane Bourque

essay question: Drawing on Dwecks book mindset, what are the fixed and growth mindset? in the mindsets, where does a person gain self esteem? as a result, how do the mindsets influence a persons motivation to learn? Explain in detail. set up all arguments and define all central terms

by Shane Bourque