Meditation Mind Maps - Public Gallery

Explore our wide public collection of meditation mind maps created by Mindomo users all over the world. Here, you can find all public diagrams related to meditation. You can view these examples to get some inspiration. Some diagrams also give you the right to copy and edit them. This flexibility allows you to use these mind maps as templates, saving time and giving you a strong starting point for your work. You can contribute to this gallery with your own diagrams once you make them public, and you can be a source of inspiration for other users and be featured here.

What I learned from Meditation
Colin Robertson

What I learned from Meditation

by Colin Robertson

Eastern and Western Philosophy
hailey cotter

Eastern and Western Philosophy

by hailey cotter

Healthy Living Brainstorm
Ashley Moncrief

Healthy Living Brainstorm

by Ashley Moncrief

Art of Living Hisar
umesh arya

Art of Living Hisar

by umesh arya

 Teaching Mindfulness
Aurore Lenette

Teaching Mindfulness

by Aurore Lenette

Eatern Approaches to Ultimate Reality (share version)
Ben Combe

Eatern Approaches to Ultimate Reality (share version)

by Ben Combe

Tai chi
Marisol Olaya

Tai chi

by Marisol Olaya

4) The Right Application
Arpit Banjara

4) The Right Application

by Arpit Banjara

Guy Claxton
Josh Hart

Guy Claxton

by Josh Hart

The Wheel
Paul Milburn

The Wheel

by Paul Milburn

World Religions
Sara kosowan

World Religions

by Sara kosowan

06. Dhyan Yoga. The yoga of meditation.
Arpit Banjara

06. Dhyan Yoga. The yoga of meditation.

by Arpit Banjara

Romel Bayer


by Romel Bayer

The causes of delusions
kelsang sherab

The causes of delusions

by kelsang sherab

Eyog Guroo


by Eyog Guroo

Thought Management
Mark Stout

Thought Management

by Mark Stout

Harvard Happines
Spencer Heijnen

Harvard Happines

by Spencer Heijnen

12. Bhakti Yoga.  The Yoga of devotion.
Arpit Banjara

12. Bhakti Yoga. The Yoga of devotion.

by Arpit Banjara

Eastern Approaches to a Unified Reality
Alana Graham

Eastern Approaches to a Unified Reality

by Alana Graham

cameron lawrence


by cameron lawrence

spring 2012
caro Bush

spring 2012

by caro Bush

Correct Beliefs
kelsang sherab

Correct Beliefs

by kelsang sherab

My Wellness Plan
Shehaj Adela

My Wellness Plan

by Shehaj Adela

Moserrath Sulca


by Moserrath Sulca

Catalina Danila


by Catalina Danila

Motivational Lessons to live by
jaime liegler

Motivational Lessons to live by

by jaime liegler

Идеальное утро
Виктория Ситенко

Идеальное утро

by Виктория Ситенко

Airyn Kyrin


by Airyn Kyrin

AEON Launch
DIGIMO University

AEON Launch

by DIGIMO University

How can I care for my mental                                  health
Awad Abdin

How can I care for my mental health

by Awad Abdin

Mario Ramírez


by Mario Ramírez

Workshops & Videos
kazi Hossain

Workshops & Videos

by kazi Hossain

expressing beliefs through prayer
22-0085 2

expressing beliefs through prayer

by 22-0085 2

Weekly 2
Joseph Kaze

Weekly 2

by Joseph Kaze

Mental Health
Sana Intwala

Mental Health {Descreptive}

by Sana Intwala

katy lammert


by katy lammert

self awarnesswhat did we learn
Ho Nathan

self awarnesswhat did we learn

by Ho Nathan

How Buddhism Was Born
Kayleigh Strong

Kayleigh How Buddhism Was Born

by Kayleigh Strong

Ethan's School
James Ethan

Ethan's School

by James Ethan

Religion and Mental Health
Anthony Flores

Religion and Mental Health

by Anthony Flores

PT. Pantowell Karya Nusantara Mindomo
Muhammad Dirga Arvian

PT. Pantowell Karya Nusantara Mindomo

by Muhammad Dirga Arvian

Nayim's Self Care

Nayim's Self Care