by Jessica Webster-Craig 16 years ago
More like this
Davis, 2005
Wilcoxon rank-sum test
an ind var of a categorical nature
a dep var that doesn't contain interval properities
long and complicated
2. fully understand the differences
1. remove extraneous variance - increase precision
multiple linear regression
used to estimate and to look at the intercorrelation
essentially the same as simple linear regression
>1 independant variable
Simple linear regression
analyze the change of the dep var by using info on 1 or more ind var
used to estimate to predict
more complex than the one-way analysis
interaction effect
2 classification variables and 1 dependant variable
dependant variable is maintained
ANOVA = analysis of variance
mathematical formulas distinguish: variance/ relationship
mixed effects model
fixed effects model vs. random effects model
3. determine the final use of the outcome info.
2. know the data characteristics and requirements
1. acknowledge the assumptions
involves the spatial rep of relations among the perceptions and preferences of individuals
attempts to subdivid or partition a set of different objects, variables, or both into similar groups
dimension-free classification procedure
only performed for very large samples
follows a series of steps
generate a correlation matrix
4. theoretical considerations
3. the indeterminacy problem
2. the # of factors to keep
1. estimates of communality
uses a linear approach
researcher specifies the relationships between theoretical constructs and observables
causal modeling
similar to variance
concerned with the joint effect of a combin or rank-ordered ind var on a dep var
stat technique
examines the relationship between:
& a set of exploratory or ind var
a nominally scaled dep var
stat technique
a more multivariate nrmal dist is used
uses general linear model & follows similar assumptions of ANOVA
2. takes into consideration that the dep var are correlation somehow
1. provides more total info
examines the effect of a treatment on 2 or more dep var
mean differences used on interval-scale measures
divided by the standard error of the mean
illustrated by the normal dist curve
test of hypothesis for group differences
summary stat of the strength of the relationship
the measurement must be ranked for each variable
Kendall tau
stronger as it approaches 1
C range 0 to 1
phi coefficient
range -1 to 1
calcs the strength of the relationship
shows whether there is a relationship
need the ability to calc percentages
uses categorical data
box plots
bar charts
frequency tables
with improper planning we could be
developing the wrong conclusion
wasting time and resources
hypothesis testing
description/ prediction
can be used for crosstabulation and statistical purposes
the results are seperated by how they responded
data is prep'd for computer analysis
data structure is finalized for storage
the coded data is verified before it's transfered to storage
transfering data into numeric codes
specifying the variables from the data
clarity, readability, consistency, and completeness to a set of data
outsourcing the research function
benefits > costs?
expected to grow because of new technologies
most popular for it's statistical and analytical tools
widely used for data anlysis and report writing
offers a full line of data analysis products
most widely used
improvements are expected
"point and shoot"
voice recognition
custom software for a specific purpose