by Tullie Everett 11 years ago
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Odysseus was a powerful warrior, of large stature, who helped win over Troy. Odysseus is a great example of somebody who is focused, as he spends many years trying to fin his way back to Ithica.
Odysseus experienced external struggles, such as being held captive on Calypso's island and battling the suitors.
Odysseus was a static character as he remained devoted to his cause throughout the story. He also never loses his love for his wife, who is the reason for his long journey.
Odysseus was the protagonist as the story documented his travels back to Ithica.
"He'll devise some way to get back home, for he's a man
of infinite resources."
"For there's no chance that brave Odysseus has died somewhere. No. He's still alive but being detained
on an island, surrounded by the sea,
with wild and dangerous men restraining him,
holding him back against his will."
"While on the sea his spirit suffered many torments,
as he fought to save his life and lead his comrades home."
Gilgamesh was, in the authors words; "Supreme over other kings, lordly in appearance,
he is the hero, born of Uruk, the goring wild bull.
He walks out in front, the leader,
and walks at the rear, trusted by his companions.
Mighty net, protector of his people,
raging flood‐wave who destroys even walls of stone!
Offspring of Lugalbanda, Gilgamesh is strong to perfection." Gilgamesh was seen as a strong, brave and wild character throughout the story. Gilgamesh's actions at the beggining showed his immaturity, but he matured over the course of the story.
Gilgamesh experiences both internal and external struggles. He is hounded internally by the death of his best friend, and his search for immortality. He also struggles externally with enemies such as Humbaba.
Gilgamesh was a dynamic character, as he had some changes throughout the story. At the beggining, Gilgamesh was bad to his people, but as he matuyred he learned the importance of being a good ruler. Also, after Enkidu dies Gilgamesh is focused on obtaining immortality, but by the end he accepts that every human must die.
Gilgamesh was definitely the protagonist. He adventured his sourrounding area and fought many powerful foes such as Humbaba and the Bulll.
"Like a wild bull he makes himself mighty, head raised. There is no rival who can raise his weapon against him"
"It was he who crossed the ocean, the vast seas, to the rising sun, who explored the world regions, seeking life."
"Mighty net, protector of his people,
raging flood‐wave who destroys even walls of stone"
"He carved on a stone stela all of his toils,
and built the wall of Uruk‐Haven,
the wall of the sacred Eanna Temple, the holy sanctuary.
Look at its wall which gleams like copper(?),
inspect its inner wall, the likes of which no one can equal!"