Categories: All - drugs - colombia - violence

by Simon Petersson Petersson 9 years ago



Colombia has a complex and troubled history linked with drug trafficking and violence. Key figures such as Carlos Lehder and George Jung played significant roles in the cocaine trade between Colombia and the United States, particularly during the height of the Medellin Cartel'



Juan David Ochoa Vásquez

Juan David Ochoa Vásquez was the older brother of Jorge Luis and Fabio Ochoa Vásquez , powerful people inside the Medellín cartel. He was also a founder of Medellín . He died July 25, 2013 of a heart attack . Former drug smugglers ,

George Jung

George Jung was a member of the Medellin Cartel ruled by Pablo Escobar . He is alleged to have been responsible for about 89% of the cocaine smuggling to the United States. In 1984 he was arrested for drug trafficking and smuggling. He received a prison sentence of 20 years. He was released in 2014.


En koppling mellan Spanien och Colombia är att dem båda pratar spanska. Men vi tycker att den bästa spanskan pratas i Spanien. Alla dialekterna i Spaneien är bra.


El deporte más popular en Colombia es el fútbol . Aunque Colombia es el país más grande de América del Sur en el fútbol los tiene en realidad un montón de grandes jugadores de hoy en día, sino también jóvenes talentos .


Thanks to its location , Colombia has had an early human migaration.En of the oldest archaeological findings are from pubenza and El Totumo .

Jorge Luis Ochoa Vásquez

Jorge Luis Ochoa Vásquez är den näst äldsta Ochoa-bröderna.

José Gonzalo Rodríguez Gacha

José no estuvo involucrado en el contrabando o la fabricación . Vivió la mayor parte de vida . Afirmó haber sido una de esas personas más ricas de todos los tiempos .

Carlos Ledher

Carlos Lehder fue quien voló la cocaína entre Colombia y Miami . Pero para ser capaz de volar de cocaína entre Colombia y Miami , por lo que es necesario hacer una parada en alguna parte. Pablo Escobar compró cuando la isla Cayo Norman . Carlos dijo haber gastado $ 4.5 millones en la isla.

Pablo Escobar

Pablo Escobar started as a car thief . He stole the cars picked them apart and then sold the parts. He then began to build a large cocaine empire. He started peddling cocaine into the United States, and he did one of those richest people in the world.
Pablo was a very ruthless man. He never blinked . He had a saying that he used daily. " Plata o Plumo ? " . Which means silver or lead. The significance is that either it takes to receive a bribe or get a shot in the head.


El actual Colombia es un país peligroso . No es seguro en algún lugar casi . En todas partes es armas o drogas .

Griselda Blanco

Griselda Blanco was also the woman behind the Miami. She pumped a lot of money in Miami. She helped build it up from the very beginning . Without Grisela Blancos money Miami had not looked like today.
Griselda Blanco died on the night September 3, 2012 , Griselda was shot twice in the head in two drive -by shots of a motorcyclist in Medellín , Colombia.
Griselda Blanco was the queen of drug trafficing. She started trading itself from the very beginning . Griselda also played a major role in drug dealing in Miami. As well as in other cities throughout the United States .
During her time on earth she created a monster. The man she taught was called Pablo Escobar. He started up as a car thief. But became over the years even more criminal and started to become a part of the drug dealing. First of all in Colombia.

Colombia är 1 138 910 km2 stort.

Colombias flagga.