by Alberto Ruiz 1 year ago
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Seek to understand how this civilization had evolved into becoming one of the most powerful in history.
Learn about Greek scientific breakthroughs, great battles, and mysterious stories with gods and goddesses.
Greek Mythology was part of the religion in Ancient Greece and it included all the myths and teachings of their gods, the origins of the world and the Greek cult and ritual practices.
Dispositivo que direcciona y reenvía paquetes de datos entre redes de computadoras.
Dispositivo que modula y demodula señales para permitir la transmisión de datos a través de líneas de comunicación.
Proceso de modificar una señal de forma que pueda llevar información, por ejemplo, convirtiendo datos digitales en una señal analógica.
Un método de verificación de errores que añade un bit extra a los datos para detectar posibles fallos en la transmisión.
El punto de conexión entre un dispositivo y el medio de comunicación.
La entidad o individuo que gestiona y mantiene la infraestructura de comunicaciones.
Hades, brother of Zeus, was the god of the underworld, ruling over the dead.
Cualquier dispositivo capaz de enviar o recibir datos, como una computadora, teléfono, etc.
Ares, son of Zeus and Hera, was the god of war.
He was disliked both by his parents and by the people. Though the god of war, he was considered to be a coward.
La información que se transmite de un punto a otro.
Poseidon, brother of Zeus, was the god of the sea and protector of all waters.
He was also the god of horses. There is a myth about Poseidon creating the first horse in order to impress his beloved Demeter.
Un conjunto de reglas y estándares que define cómo los dispositivos se comunican entre sí.
Apollo son of Zeus and Letto was the god of the sun, truth, music, poetry, dance, and healing.
El medio físico o virtual a través del cual los datos son transmitidos (p. ej. cables, fibra óptica, ondas de radio).
Hera was the wife of Zeus.
She was the patron of weddings and marriage. Her jealousy is well-known throughout history because she used to take awful revenge on Zeus' lovers and illegitimate children.
Dispositivo o sistema que recibe los datos transmitidos.
Also, called the 'cloud-gatherer' and 'thunderer' by the Greek poet Hesiod, Zeus was the supreme ruler of the Olympian gods. He controlled the weather, and every time lightning struck, people thought it was a sign from Zeus.
Dispositivo o sistema que inicia la transmisión de datos.
Most important battles in Ancient Greece
Already internally warring, Ancient Greece has fought many battles with external enemies, but four of them were extremely significant: Battle of Marathon (490 B.C.), Battle of Salamis (480 B.C.), Battle of Thermopylae (480 B.C.), and Battle of Chaeronea (338 B.C.).