by Kyla Jacobson 1 year ago
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Offering a variety of learning experiences
Discover their passion
Develop their talents
Opportunitiees to explore their interests
Find solutions to support what they need to be successful
Support the child beyond academics
Listen actively
Repsect your students
Praise the students success and positive behaviour
Thank your students for doing such a good job
Awareness when breaks are needed
Accomdate to IPP plans
Get to know your students learning styles
Celebrate their wins and success
Announce the success of your students teams and rewards
Show up to a game
Show up to your students soccer game, the support will mean a lot to the student
Being aware of their grades in other subjects so you can provide the perfect workload for their schedule
In high school, the student may be overwhelmed with other their other class workloads. Be accommodating to their schedule
Staying on track on their work progress
Ensuring their work is still being complete
Give the student the time to talk about their hobbies
Cheer for their team
Congraulate the student on the big win in the basketball tournament
Stay informed about their after school activites
Knowing their after school activites can help you work around their busy schedule
Become involved
If your student loves to play cards, join them in a match
Teach yourself about their interest
If your student loves hockey, educate yourself on the topic so you can have more meaninful conversations about their interest
Become a role model for those stdents who have an unstable family life
This also applies to students with stable families
You could be the only adult they see daily, be the guidance and support in their life
Ask about their parents, siblings, and what their homelife looks like
Share about your life
Share interesting facts so the student can get to know you better and develop a deeper relationship
Relate to the student
Ask questions about their life
Remember important information about the student
What they want to be when they get older
Favourite hockey team
Engage the gifted students
Provide work that fits the needs to the gifted students
Higher level of thinking
Provide an Educational assistant to read the exam outloud
Can help the student acheive greater success
Give less options on a multiple choice exam
Give less questions on multiple choice exam
Provide work that students will understand and retain
Modified work
Develop lessons based on different academic levels
Learn your students different learning styles and accomdate to them
Both students have a voice
Conflict of resolution
Creating calm spaces
Trauma informed practice
Assume every child deserves to be spoken to with compassion and repsect
Embracing diversity
Welcoming all students
Allowing the student to direct learning
Assigning jobs
Student helper
Line leader
Appropriate language
Soft tone
Being culturally aware of your language
Mentioning religions
Highlighting traditions
Make a student feel speacial
Work with different individuals
Share ideas with new peers
Learn about a new interest
Allows the student to meet other classmates
Main classroom lights turned off
Quiet environment
Soft lighting
Sensory issues
Walking space
Area in the back of the class where students can stretch and pace
Give students the chance to use other chairs
Higher desks
Wobbly chairs
Proximity to desk
Having a student sit near the teachers desk who needs extra assistance
Wheelchair access
Keep redirection effective and private
Find a solution that benefits both the student and teacher
Activate change
Follow through with a solution
Support the student
Offer resources to help the student
Provide a safe place to talk
Be nonjudgemental
Use appropriate language
Don't call the student "bro" or "dude"
Don't share personal information
Don't break the students trust
Don't embarrass the student
Share apprecaition for the hard work
Encourage the cotinuation of the hardwork
Communicate the work well done
Praise the positive work
Time to play a game
Reward the class with a fun game to give appreciation
Allow students to have a break for finishing early
Use them as an example
"I would like to show the class Emma's work so you can get and idea of what I am expecting"
"Thank you Emma for sitting quietly and reading your book"
Offer a thank you
"Great answer, thank you"
"Thank you for that answer"
Give a high five
Provide insightful ideas
Show passion in the subject
Make the lesson fun and engaging
Offer alternative options
Offer the students a choice to redirect their behaviour
Wait time
Give the students the chance to correct their behaviour
Wait for the class to be quiet in a calm way
Don't argue
Show compassion
Relate to students
Be relatable and humourous
Express yourself
Speak freely
Show your personaility
Listen and understand others
Eye contact
Teach calming skills
Poistive thinking
Deeps breaths
Teach positive self talk
Speak kindly to yourself
Allow walks and water breaks
Put yourself in other people's shoes
Try to understand where others are coming from
Show empathy
Share feelings
Be optismistic
Have your reading book
Bring class material and notes
Bring any paper the teacher has given you
Have your binder and pencils
Bring a water bottle
Having the parents stay up to date with any news or events
Due dates
Events taking place within the school
Upcoming days off school
Addressing any concerns first thing
Find a solution to any problem that was addressed
Collaborative start
Building blocks
Card games
Word games
Independent start
Embracing new ideas
Incorporating new strategies brought forward by the students
Validating the students thoughts
No bad questions
Free to ask for further information
Be happy for others
Show your support
Praise others who show excellence
Congratulate your classmate
Seek/provide feedback
Constructive criticism
Coming to a team decision
Provide ideas and listen to others ideas
Open mind
Participating in group activity
Use an inside voice
Show attentive listening
Focus on the teacher
Take care the of the classroom tools
Return any borrowed items
Sit properly in your desk
Listen to others and respect differences in beliefs
Work well collaboratively with classmates
Lend a helping hand
Use kind words
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Celebrate your success
Value your self worth
Keep your dignity
Don't allow others to talk negatively about you
Be confindent
Support your reasonings
Believe in your work
Have manners
Quiet when others are speaking
Say please and thank you
Know that you are smart and deserving of education
Mistakes are proof that you are trying
"You miss 100% of the shot you don't take"
Asking questions
Asking for clarification
Coming for help
Working hard to achieve success
Be ready to listen to instruction
Engaged in the content
Motivated to learn
Staying up to date with due dates
Completing assignments
Have your homework complete