by mg licandro 7 years ago
More like this
- Support for school teachers in the use of digital and technological resources applied to teaching.
- Support to teachers in digital training processes.
- Support for self-training of teachers for the course of coding.
- Creating innovative solutions for teaching.
- Sharing of teaching materials, links and videos retrieved from the network in the digital animator site.
- Publications on the school website, FB and Twitter.
- Involvement of the school community on digital learning initiatives.
A.S. 2015/16
A.S. 2016/17
- All classes / sections of the school will carry out 20 hours a year of coding, curated digital animator.
Google Forms
- Over 50 teachers of our school in the self-formation attending the Course: Coding in Your Classrooms, Now!
- The digital animator attends the Level II: Coding in Their Classrooms, Now!
S.Y. 2015/16 From 9th to 15th December
Our educational institution participated in the initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education at the regional level as part of the National Digital Development Plan (PNSD): "The Week of PNSD" with pupils of primary and secondary levels.
S.Y. 2016/17 From 25th to 30th November
This year our educational institution will be involve in the initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education at the regional level as part of the National Digital Development Plan (PNSD): "The Week of PNSD" with all pupils from Kindergarten, primary and secondary school.
- Padlet for the sharing of educational materials proposed by the Ministry of Education and retrieved from the web
The virtual classroom is a tool used by teachers for the use of digital books, sharing materials and for the disciplinary investigation.
Design and assessment for UDA edited skills of school teachers.
- PROGRAM THE FUTURE on CODE.ORG platform enables the display of pupils' progress in all coding courses.
Classes involved:
- 4th and 5th of primary school
-All Classes of secondary school 1st grade.
A.S. 2016/17 December 9 to 15
Our educational institution participating in the initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education at the regional level as part of the National Digital Development Plan (PNSD): "The Week of PNSD" with pupils of primary and secondary levels
A.S. 2016/17 November 25 to 30
Our educational institution this year participates in the initiative promoted by the Ministry of Education at the regional level as part of the National Digital Development Plan (PNSD): "The Week of PNSD" with all kindergarten pupils, primary and secondary degree.
Click on the map and look for our event
Participation in the competition organized by the Ministry of Education on the platform PROGRAM THE FUTURE
A.S. 2015/16
- May 14, 2016
A.S. 2015/16
- April 29, 2016 (30 years after the first connection).
A.S. 2016/17
- October 15 - October 23, 2016
Our school participates in the European Week of coding with over 30 events planned and approved on the map EVENTS CODEWEEK_EU.
A.S. 2015/16
- DECEMBER 7 - 15 December 2015
A.S. 2016/17
- DECEMBER 5 - December 11, 2016