Categories: All - trade - exploration - conflict - expansion

by Sarvajith Dhatchinaamoorthy 2 years ago


Early Modern (1450 - 1750)

During the Early Modern period from 1450 to 1750, the development of maritime empires significantly reshaped global trade and politics. Ming China provided merchants with protection, facilitating safer trade with Europeans, while various merchant groups, including Swahili Arabs and Portuguese, played pivotal roles in commerce.

Early Modern (1450 - 1750)

Early Modern (1450 - 1750)

Changing Social Hierarchies

Groups treated differently
Expulsion of Jews from Spain & Portugal, Restrictive Policies against Han Chinese in Qing China, Status of women in different classes in the Ottoman Empire
Mughal/Ottoman Policies
Mughal: Ended Jizya Tax, Gave grants of land & money to Hindus and Muslims/ Ottoman: Invited Christians to settle in Istanbul, Jizya was Required

Internal & External Challenges to State Power

Local Resistance Movements
Pueblo Revolts, Fronde, Cossack Revolt, Maratha Conflict with Mughals, Ana Nzinga's Resistance, Metacom's War, Establishment of Maroon Societies, N American Slave resistance

Maritime Empires Maintained & Developed

Cultural Synthesis
Biased Accounts of Aztec History, Spanish Diffusion & Predomination and Creoles (Americans of Spanish Descent
Trade Rivalries
Muslim-European Rivalry European Rivalry Moroccan Conflict w/ Songhai Empire
Joint-Stock Company
Companies owned by investors who bought stock or shares in them
Economic System to increase a nation's wealth by gov. regulation of all of the nations's commercial interests

Maritime Empires Established

Merchant Groups
Swahili Arabs, Gujaratis, Omanis, Javanese, Portuguese, Dutch
Implementation in order to resume ethnic ideas Confinement of citizens within borders Economic & Political Advantage for Years Only traded with Dutch
Ming China
Gave merchants protection against invaders Emperor able to take full control They were able to safely trade w/ European Merchants

Columbian Exchange

New Foods: Potato, Corn Increased products New Health Risks, Medical Advancements Increased Economy, Greater Wealth
Disease - Smallpox, Measles, etc, The Great Dying, New Foods: Rice, Wheat, Okra, Livestock, Sugar: Atlantic Slave Trade, Population Growth
The transfer of Plants, Animals, Disease, & Ideas. It was propelled by the discovery of North America by Europeans.

Exploration: Causes & Events

Set up trading Ports Implemented East/West Indian Trade Empire Sought to escape Religious Persecution Mercantilism = #1 Reason New materials gained such as Silver & Gold
Had a huge part of Africa (Ghana etc.) and Philippines Conquered Wanted riches and to find a sea route to China going West. Increase in Colonization & Overseas Trade
Led the way in European Exploration Prince Henry the Navigator, Bartholomew Diaz, & Vasco Da Gama Desire Sea Route from Europe to India & China Economic Benefit through Asia & Africa

Technological Innovations

Lateen Sail, Compass, Astronomical Charts
New Ship Innovations
Caravel, Carrack, Fluyt

Empires Belief Systems

Ottoman-Safavid Rivalry
Sunni-Shi'a divide in Islam that emerged grew more intense Ottoman (Sunni) vs Safavid (Shi'a) Culminated in Battle of Chaldiran
Catholic Reformation
Increased use of Inquisition Founded the Jesuits The Council of Trent corrected abuses
Henry VIII

Wanted a Male heir but only had daughters Couldn't marry other women Founded the Church of England

John Calvin

Elect (predestined to heaven) people run the community Encouraged to work hard & prosperity Viewed work ethic as righteous living

Martin Luther

Objected the sale of indulgences & simony Challenged the church by nailing 95 Theses to a church door

Empires: Administration

Tax Farming
The state auctioned taxation rights to the highest bidder, who collected the state taxes and made payments in installments, keeping a part of revenue
European Places like Versailles

Kept nobles close to the king, making it difficult for them to plot against him

Mughal Mausolea & Mosques

The magnificent architecture & achievements showed the power of the rulers; Combined Islamic & Hindu art & architecture

Incan Sun Temple of Cuzco

The architecture was given special importance and required rich citizens to visit.

Qing Imperial Portraits

Promoting ruler as a scholar helped win the scholar bureaucrats & gain the Mandate of Heaven

Religious Ideals
Songhai Promotion of Islam

Islam became an important part of the empire and Askia Muhammad conquered lots of land

European Notion of Divine Right

Monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving the right to rule from a divine directly from a divine authority, like the monotheistic will of god.

Mexica use of Human Sacrifice

Many of the regions, including the Mexica, believed that human sacrifice nourished the gods.

Bureaucratic Elites
French Intendants

Administrative officials who served as agents of the king used to reform local/regional financial and judicial systems.

Salaried Samurai

Army of Warriors for the Daimyo. Paid by Shogun to increase loyalty to Shogun.

Ottoman Devshirme

Christian Boys recruited by force to serve the Ottoman Gov. Most Famous Group known as Janissaries

Empires Expand

Ottoman Empire
Civilian Bureaucracy becoming stronger
Focused on consolidating territories they already ruled
Golden Age under Suleiman the Magnificent
First to implement gunpowder on a mass scale
Mughal Empire
Constructed architectural marvels & developed many scientific innovations
Expanded territory & establish highly efficient gov. structure
Traded textiles, spices, tropical foods, & precious stones for gold & silver
Flourished through overseas trade
Songhai Empire - Morocco Conflict
Wanted Control of Trans-Saharan Gold trade; Moroccan Victory
Safavid-Mughal Conflict
Aspiration for Control over Kandahar; Safavid Victory