Categories: All - health - soil - pollution - water

by Kumar Bonita 5 years ago


Earth's Environmental Issues

The degradation of land through processes like desertification and deforestation significantly contributes to soil erosion, which in turn affects agricultural productivity by depleting fertile soil.

Earth's Environmental Issues

Both desertification and deforestation can cause soil erosion, another issue. if soil erosion keeps happening, then there will be no good soil left for people to farm on. Then, there will be less produce from farms, causing a demand for food and increase in price.

Since soil erosion can happen from deforestation, then from soil erosion, it can go into the water source through runoff. This can cause water pollution which can lead to health problems.

A connection is desertification can polluted drinking water. This is because plants and trees help clean out water by storing pollutants, and fertilizers. Also, they slow down runoff by absorbing the water into the soils. So if there is desertification, then all these pollutants and get into the water which will not be safe for humans

Deforestation is also a cause of desertification. Since forests are being cut down, hence deforestation, the ground has no roots anything that would hold the soil in place. Also, no trees are there to protect the ground from sun or rain. Therefore, the soil can easily be dried out and blown away.

Common between the two, water nutrient enrichment. There are certain chemicals that are used on farms but only some end up in the crops and the rest end up in water. This affects the fish as it takes up a lot of oxygen in the water. Then the fish don't have as much and the fish cannot live for long.

Another connection is that both of these can have serious effects on humans. Land pollution and water pollution can lead to skin diseases, and respiratory diseases. This is because again, the chemicals from land pollution can easily get into the water that people drink, causing these diseases.

A connection between the two is that first both of these can lead to ground water poisoning. For land pollution, the chemicals can end up in the water. Since ground water is a source of water for many, this can cause a lot of diseases and maybe even deaths

Earth's Environmental Issues


Finally, if people bought more biodegradable items. This will ensure that the materials thrown away can be broken down. Then, the land will end up with less things like plastic which takes a long time to break down. For example, if everyone stopped using plastic bags and used a reusable one, then it will make somewhat of a difference in the environment.
Another solution is to dispose of waste in the proper way. This will ensure that it doesn't end up on the land and that will help stop land pollution. If we just practice reduce, reuse and recycle, then it will make a difference.
A solution is to try and buy organic products. This is because fertilizers and pesticides contribute to land pollution. So if more people start buying organic, then there will be less demand for produce that is not organic. This will cause farmers to stop using pesticides.
It will also increase the amount of wildfires. This is because the things that pollute the environment makes the soil dry. This is the perfect condition for wildfires and cause cause them to grow very fast.
An effect is topsoil is loss. This is because the chemical fertilizers that are used for crops cause the composition of the topsoil to be changed making it more likely to get harmful fungus species. This causes the soil to erode
Finally, there is human sewage. This is when human waste is untreated. When this happens, it produces toxic gases that can get into the ground.
Mining are another cause. This is because the large spaces under the earth can be created when mining. This can cause the land to cave in so the land isn't as good. Mining also causes chemicals like uranium to be related into the environment.
Landfills are another cause. This is because toxins can be found in garbage that are in these landfills. If they're just on the ground, they can seep into the earth. Also when it rains, the toxins can be washed into other places therefore spreading the pollution
There is also industrialization, specifically the industrial revolution. This is because there is now unsafe practices for the disposals of chemicals. Also, there are so many factories and industries and they are polluting the land a lot.
Another cause is chemicals from agriculture. A lot of pesticides are used to protect the crops but in the process, it causes the land to become unsuitable for crops.
A cause of land pollution is deforestation and soil erosion. When trees are being cleared out, the soil gets lose. Then, since there are no trees to protect the land, it starts to erode.
Land pollution is when the land is contaminated with anything that will harm it. This changes the land and causes other issues like soil erosion


Finally, if farmers used pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers properly, then we could reduce water pollution. This is because these chemicals can runoff into the water. Farmers should not use these near water systems and should try to prevent spills using them. They should also dispose of the left overs properly and not leave them outside when they're not in use.
Another solution is to contain spills. If someone has a leaky car, then they should use one of the many products made to absorb these spills. Some include foam wall spill beams or spill kits and absorbents. These will absorb any oil, fuel or chemicals so they can be properly disposed of later.
A solution to water pollution is to filter any runoff water. Before the water gets into the system, then some sort of filter should be placed, so only clean water gets in. Also for standing water (ex.ponds), then a gadget called a dewatering product can be used. This will pump the water into a bag and only the water will make it out of the bottom, catching any foreign objects.
Oil and gasoline also makes its way into the water through operations from shipping companies. Also, from under the oceans floor, oil that is naturally produced, seeps through.
A common source of water is groundwater and it can get polluted when the contaminates get into an aquifer (layer of water-bearing rocks that are underground). Once it gets in, it is very hard and pricy to clean.
Chemicals entering the water may also harm the animals, causing this chain reaction to happen
Water pollution also effects the aquatic environment. As we know, ecosystems depend on the animals and plants living there. So when one animal dies, then the ecosystem may suffer
Swimming also has some risks. Water pollution can cause people to get skin rashes and pinkeye
Water pollution can happen accidentally from runoff from farms or can be illegally released from sewage treatment places.
Water pollution is harmful to humans. Bacteria and viruses can get into the water, from human and animal waste. When consumed, it can make a person very sick or even kill them
Usually substances from farms, factories and towns get into the water supply, therefore polluting it.
Water pollution is when a substance goes into a body of water, making it harmful for humans and lowering the quality of the water.
Water is easily polluted because it is able to dissolve almost anything


Finally, a lot of big companies are the ones who contribute the most to deforestation. They should made sure that their suppliers did not cut down a lot of trees when getting their supplies. So if they introduced polices that do not encourage deforestation, it will make a huge difference.
Another solution is to implement a law which states that if a tree is to be cut down, then another one should be planted to replace it. We need trees for certain materials so it is impractical to ban cutting down trees altogether. So if every tree cut down was replaced with another, then we wouldn't be losing so many trees.
A solution to deforestation is to ban the clear cutting of forests. Clear cutting is when every single tree is removed from an area. So if this was banned, then only some trees will be cut down, leaving some. Therefore a piece of land will not have total deforestation
Another effect is that if deforestation and soil erosion continues then some animals will have to change habitats in order to find food. Some of them might not be able to and this eventually leads to extinction
Humans need trees to live. They absorb carbon dioxide that we don't need. Also, they produce oxygen which we do need.
Deforestation is an issue that is happening quickly and we need it to stop. If it doesn't we will face severe consequences. Trees also absorb greenhouse gases that come from human activities. When there are less trees to absorb these gases, then they enter the atmosphere. This increases global warming.
Another effect is that deforestation can lead to soil erosion. This is because trees keep the soil from blowing away or getting washed away.
Another effect is that there will be no homes for native people. A lot of native tribes tend to live in forests and rainforests. This is their homes and how they live. So with deforestation, people may think that we are adding more homes for people but in some cases, we are actually taking away homes.
An effect of deforestation is that a lot of species, both animals and plants can go extinct. This is because 70% of the worlds species live in forests. So when they lose their habitats, they have to find a new one to live in. If they are unable to, then they will go extinct.
Finally, they cut if down for items that are in demand. An example of this is they cut down a lot of palm trees for the oil
They also cut it down for the wood. This is used for commercial items. Some of these items include paper, furniture, and parts for houses.
A main cause of deforestation is to make space for more housing, and commercial buildings. It is also cut down for factories and sometimes for cattle ranching.
Deforestation is when forests are destroyed to make space for other uses. This is trees and other vegetation being cut down and thrown away. A common way of doing this is burning the trees, and clear cutting


Finally, we need to have grazing in places where the conditions are good. One of the main causes of desertification is over grazing. So if we have the animals graze in areas where the conditions are good and we don't let them over graze, then it will also help. This way we don't lose more land due to overgrazing.
Another solution is more education. If more people were educated on the best way to use the land, then they will be able to farm properly. With more people practicing sustainable farming, desertification can be reduced.
A solution to desertification is to make a policy that changes the way people farm so there is less desertification. These should include how often people are allowed to farm and how much they can farm depending on their area. This will stop the problems with farming and desertification.
Another effect is that desertification makes natural disasters worse. This is because there are no plants to keep the soil down and slow down runoff of water, it makes floods worse.
Soil erosion also becomes worse with desertification. This is because the soil is usually exposed to wind. This causes dried up topsoil and dust from deserted areas to get mixed in causing soil erosion
Another effect is that the vegetation that is there is destroyed. When desertification happens, then the land is not able to grow plants. This is because the soil is loose so the plants are either buried or the roots are exposed to the sun. Also, the rain water isn't able to go into the soil. So since there is less vegetation, there is less food for humans.
An effect of desertification is that the soil is infertile. When desertification happens, the topsoil is either blown or washed away. This is because there are no trees or plants to protect them. Also, the topsoil usually has the nutrients that are needed to grow vegetation
Also, overpopulation is a cause of desertification. The more people there are, the more resources are needed. Since water is a big one, it is always in demand. So then if all the water is going to the growing population, that means less for the land, therefore there is desertification is more areas.
There is also overgrazing. This is because grass and small plants are needed to protect the ground from any damage and also erosion. So when the animals eat too much, then there is not enough to protect the ground.
Another cause is human activities. For example, when a farmer uses practices that are not sustainable.
The most common cause of desertification is climate. This can be caused by climate change, global warming and especially droughts.
Desertification is when fertile land becomes like a desert