Categories: All - teacher - education - agency - guidance

by Gage Jones 6 years ago


ed 200 Section 4

The text discusses the attributes that make the lord an exemplary teacher, emphasizing his alignment with divine guidance, self-sacrifice, and consistency between his teachings and actions.

ed 200 Section 4


Essential Questions Weekly 1

What is the role of school in society?
School is seen as required to be smart or to do a specific job. If you didnt go to school but someone else did you are looked as a lesser person.
Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?
The foundation is to give everyone a base of knowledge that our government sees acceptable. You learn to a test and learn specific guidelines.
How do I learn
I learn through experience and trial and error. I have trouble learning from reading from a textbook, however if you give me a pen and paper and have me write it down and do it i learn a lot better.
What is worth teaching?
All knowledge is worth teaching, the only worldly thing we take with us to heaven is everything we learn. So gather as much information as possible.
What is my work as a teacher or learner?
How do I view those I teach?
When I teach someone anything I usually just view them as they are, I don't look down on them i just teach them what im trying to do then let them be.
Who am I and what motivates me?
I am Gage Jones, and what motivates me i to get closer to heavenly father and providing for my future family.

Weekly 2

The lord is the master teacher because of his ability to follow the spirit of god and put off the natural man perfectly and to sacrifice his will for the will of the Fathers. That grants him the Spirit And the perfect ability to listen and follow his promptings. Another reason he is the perfect teacher is because everything he did was an example of everything he taught. He also gave us agency so we can learn for ourselves instead of just telling us what to do. And finally he is all knowing and uses the Holy Ghost to guide us as well.

Weekly 8

The main thing I love about this class is the fact you let us learn. I feel like you helped guide us to where we got you didn’t give us something to get to but left it open ended. We had to search to learn instead of it being handed to us. I loved that. I am going to for sure take that into my teacher style of letting my students learn for themselves. I feel like I gained a lot from this class even though I wasn’t able to attend it much after the second block. I want to have my students learn and enjoy it. I feel like I was always just taught to pass the next test to get the next grade and it’s not memorable. My favorite classes and teachers were always the ones that put the effort in to change their style up and not just stick to the basics. I didn’t understand the mindomo website at first however I have seen it to be a useful application. It will be a quick and easy way to find information for later classes and a simple resource.

Weekly 5

So for my metaphor I think of it as a house. To have a good home you need a good foundation. Everything you do in life you need to have a good base or it will just all fall apart, in faith if you have a shaky base and something happens your more likely to crumble, same goes with education. Education builds upon its self. If you don’t learn something in the beginning and then try to add more upon it will start to crack. That’s why teaching our youth is extremely important. Building a strong base will put them on the best route to learn more. It’s our job as educators to give our students the best opportunity to succeed. We can’t force them to take it but we have to be open minded and patient for every student. Like the living room in a house. It has to be spacious and available to everyone. Like our bedrooms we have to be available to students whenever they need it. In every house you have bedrooms where usually everyone feels the most comfortable. Where we go to be safe. As educators we have to provide our students with a safe learning environment. It’s not thought to be the number one thing but it is crucial to learning. No one will open up if they don’t feel safe.

Weekly 6

I want to become either a history or a science teacher. In order to do that i need to complete my history education degree here. I have to do all of my foundations classes along with a total of 14 extra history credits. It is a four year degree however because of previous mistakes it will take me a bit longer to do so.


Daily 5

Capture: Perry I grew up going to a public school. I went to public school my entire life. So i don't have the ability to see what she is able to; However i agree we don't promote excellence. I firmly believe we are taught in a system to beat the system and a set of task but not to actually learn. Which is why i think it took my so long to adjust to your class. You just wanted us to learn and think for ourselves. Where as i was just thinking what do i have to do to get the grade for this assignment. I learned in a way i haven't ever learned. I really enjoyed it. I think it would help with kids wanting to learn. But with everything there is positives and negatives of course.

Daily 3

Letter of Gratitude I am extremely grateful for being able to attend BYU- Idaho. There is so many thing to appreciate that have already started to change my life. 2 years ago i was living across the country with my ex. Not living worthily and inactive for several years. When i decided i wanted to move back home i had to move from Nebraska to Boise where my family now lives, somehow my mother convinced me to just do one semester here so i wouldn't miss out on a semester of school. And i haven't looked back. I love the fact that you aren't looked down upon because you want to live your life in the teachings of the church. I love the atmosphere this institute provides. It has helped me immensely in my path to gaining a testimony and turning my life around. It was never my plan to go to a school run by the church or to ever attend church again. The Lord works in mysterious ways and i couldn't be more happy with the privileged of being able to attend this school.

Daily 8


Daily 7

Am I Living My Life Wide Awake? I can honestly say that I think over the last year i have been. Obviously there will be days you just go through the motions and not realize where the day has gone. But I have been making a real effort in trying to do something useful everyday. I have really focused on my relationship with heavenly father. It is a struggle because you can find yourself just going through the motions and not actually gaining anything. Anything i try to do is my group of friends and I try to do something different each week be it going hiking or cliff jumping. It doesn't matter really what it is just as long as were doing something to make memories.

Daily 6

Categorize the course you took in highschool in regards to the 7 cardinal Principles of Secondary education. 1. Health: Human Anatomy 2. Command of the Fundamental Process: World Civ, Algebra, English, Environmental Science. 3. Worthy Home membership: Seminary? 4. Vocation: Teaching the Special needs kids 5. Citizenship: World Civ 6. Worthy of Leisure: Computer Technology 7. Ethical Character: Student Aid assistant

Daily 4

Capture: Beecher I like how Beecher hits on the topic of men and women teachers. It's a tough topic as it always is. I think the author does a good job of giving her point and then what she thinks we should do about the situation. I don't think that women are better suited for teaching, same as men. I don't think either is better than the next. I really like that she thinks they should be trained. I think that is the perfect balance. If you have the ability to do it and did the training then i think you should be able to teach. Everyone has their own methods of teaching, and it wont always be for everyone and we have to accept that. Everyone is different but males and females can both succeed at teaching.

ed 200 Section 4


Pros: Its good to have a healthy competition because it pushes you to work harder than the person next to you.


Philosophical study of value. It is either the the collective term for ethics & aesthics


the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space


the attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly




Things we know? Faith is evidence


A way of assessing something by the success of the application given