Education In Frankestein
Education at the time
Take on the education of the time?
How accessible was it?
Is it reflected in the book?
Who was allowed?
Universities of the time?
Education Level of Characters
Dr. Frankenstein
Mary Shelly
Believes we learn better
thorough different ways ways
Educated through mainly
her surroundings
Novels Take on Education
Is the pursue of Knowledge
a dangerous act?
Take on Science and academics
Is it bad?
How is it reflected on the book?
Is it good?
How it is reflected on the book?
Leanring comes in different ways
cognitive learning
Creatures Education
Neglected Education but
searches for it
Acquisition of language
learns by observing
Around Chapter 11
the entire book says learn 35 times
Made for who? (academic level)
What social class was it made for?
Upper class
However Frankenstein targets complex topics,
with a new genre of Science Fiction
Lower Class
Novels were typically made for the lower class.
as they were less complex
Message to?
Message for the uneducated
Message for the educated
How it was perceived by people
Complexity of topics and themes
Language Used