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Eric Cameron
5 years ago
Eric Cameron Star Report
The narrative highlights various personal and professional skills through real-life examples. Teaching a hockey class a new drill showcases strong communication abilities and the capability to create engaging activities.
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Eric Cameron Star Report
Organizational Skills
Everyone was happy that the gym was clean and tidy so was the manager 😎
Also i racked the wights i ended up cleaning the entire gym
I went to sweep the floors was the floors and take the garbage out
To clean up the mess at the gym
Strong Work Ethic
The customer gave me a 5 dollar tip and we both felt good after
I helped the customer out got him the grapes and some extra boxes
I went to the back to get the grapes and juice
To help unload grapes and whine juice
Flexibility/Adaptive Skills
I had the interview and meet up with the people who might take me
I found my way to my interview with a ride
To get myself to the interview no matter what
Go to my placement interview
Motivation And Initiative
Do great things at school and graduate
Man up or shut up i applied to attend Mohawk college
I wanted to come to a college
I didn't want to attend school for the longest time
He went out to skate and enjoy himself and i felt good for doing that
I helped him tie his skates
I was to make sure that his skates were tied up not to tight and not to lose
A young boy asked me to tie his hockey skates
Problem Solving Skills
I manged to get to the college
I looked it up on the bus HSR app
I was to find my way to get from my house to the college
Was getting mad at the bus
Technical Skills
His new iPad had all of his old stuff on the new one and i got 30 dollars for setting it up
I was able to restore his iPad and back it up
I was to help him figure out the correct settings
My dad needed to backup and restore his old iPad to his new iPad
Communication Skills
The class got to learn a new drill in practice that i tough them
I made up the drill
I was to come up with a hockey drill
I was teaching a hockey class a new drill
Interpersonal Skills
The 3 of us went on a long bike ride
I called another friend to help out
Texted him and tried to get him out of his house
I helped my friend who was struggling with depression
Team Work
The shed and shed pieces were taken to the dump and we had a pizza diner at the end
the four of us worked as a unit to get the shed gone
To cut the shed apart with a saw and clean up
My shed flew away into my neighbors yard