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by Lina Morales 4 years ago


Estrategic Anlysis

El análisis estratégico se enfoca en la evaluación de las fuerzas competitivas tanto internas como externas que afectan a una empresa. Este proceso incluye la identificación de oportunidades y amenazas del entorno y el análisis de las fortalezas y debilidades internas de la organización.

Estrategic Anlysis

DAFO Model

Company analysis

Asses the resources and capabilities you have Resources and capabilities Value added chain

Surrounding analysis

Detects changes that occur or will occur Generic enviroment Specific enviroment
Generic Enviromet

Specific environment

Its modifications directly affect the company, clients, supplices, potential competitors and products

strategic and structural analysis scheme rivalry, complicity The five forces of the Porter

External environment that surrounds the company in the development of its actividad which has influence on the activity and results of the company

Political - legal environment Economic environment Sociocultural environment Technological environment Ecological or environmental environment

Estrategic Anlysis

The estrategic analisis represents the system of surveillance and evaluation of the effects of competitive forces in the enviromen

External and internal to obtein a diagnosis of the eviroment-company situation
Internaland external analysis the identifies the opportunities and threats of enviroment, the strengths and weaknesses