Categories: All - nucleare - energia - solare

by Alessia Giannuzzi 4 years ago


giannuzzi alessia 3b energia

L'energia rinnovabile rappresenta una delle principali risorse per il futuro sostenibile del pianeta, includendo diverse forme come l'energia solare, idroelettrica, eolica e derivata dalle biomasse.

giannuzzi alessia 3b energia

Where next?

Where to next?

Before finalizing your proposal, check through it again to ensure that all the information you are providing supports the objectives you originally set out and is relevant from the reader's point of view.

When you have gathered most of the material for your proposal, you can transfer it to a linear document for presentation. You can do this in Mindomo by converting topics into text in the topic notes for export to a linear document.

Good luck with your proposal!


What is your business proposal about?

Give it a name. Type it in.

energia solare

prodotta attraverso

What other options could solve the problem? Add an alternative.

conversione fotovoltaica
sistemi a collettori parabolici nucleari

Related information about the options that have been identified might be needed.

Add resource(s)


sistemi a torre

Summarize your alternative points.

Add a conclusion


prduzione di calore a bassa temperatura

Disadvantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.

Add a disadvantage


produzione di calore ad alta temperatura

Advantages must be accurately stated from your client's point of view.

Add an advantage


energia dei biogas


si può ricavare dai combustibili

legna da ardere

Summarise your points about your solution.

Add a conclusion

carboni fossili

What evidence can you provide that your proposed solution will work?

Add evidence


carboni più giovani

vengono prodotti nelle

miniere vere e proprie

miniere a cielo aperto

petrolio naturale o greggio

Ensure that the advantages you identify are relevant to the client, from their point of view.

Add an advantage

centrali termoelettriche

trasportazione negli oledotti

creato nelle raffinerie

controlli diretti

rocce sedimentarie

rilevamento areofotografico

industria petrolchimica
importante per:

Acknowledge disadvantages early and deal with them in your proposal.

Add a disadvantage

distillazione primaria

Match up the solution with the issue or opportunity that you are addressing.

Add detail(s)

offre energia elettrica
gas liquidi

Develop the key points of your proposed solution.

Add a note

idrocarburi gassosi

energia nucleare

Describe the further actions for a commercial and a non-commercial proposal.

What are the next steps?

fusione nucleare

Add details of next actions for a non-commercial proposal.

fissione nucleari

Add delivery details for a commercial proposal.

Do you need a glossary for any specific technical terms you are using?

centrali idroelettriche di pompaggio

Add a term.

energia del vento

Include any detailed data in appendices rather than break up the flow of the proposal.

Identify the contents of an appendix for your proposal.

wind farm
generatori eolici

Add an appendix.

energia dei rifiuti


Ramo principale

energia dai biocarburanti

etanolo come combustibile
si forma c02
zuccheri distallati
separato dai componenti zuccherini
mais raccolto
composti da betanolo

energia delle onde

energia termica dell'oceano
sistemi otec
energia delle maree
progetto pelamis

attraverso macchine chiamate mareomotrici


vettore energetico
estratto dal metano o dall'acqua
terzo elemento più importante sulla terra

energia delle biomasse

maggiori risorsi disbonibili
letame degli allevamenti animali
scarti dell'industria alimentare
residui agricoli e forestali
legname da ardere

proviene dal

acqua del mare e il vento
energia idroelettrica

Identify an opportunity that requires action to be taken, which your solution will address. Add an opportunity.

Add any supporting information or evidence of changes. Type it in.


Identify a problem that requires action to be taken, which your solution will address. Add a problem.

fonte non rinnovabile

Identify a change or a trend in the current situation, that requires action to be taken. Add a change.


Add any supporting information or evidence of changes.

capacità di un corpo di compiere un movimento

Describe the current position that your client is in.

This creates some common ground, which is a good platform for discussing your solution.

energia cinetica

indispensabile per la vita

Summarize your proposal at the beginning of the document. Add a sum-up.

energia elettrica es

rapporto tra energia e ambiente

Defining clear objectives is the key to building a good proposal.

What are your objectives?

This section should not be included in the proposal.


Who can check your objectives?

Identify who else can check the objectives and assumptions of this proposal. Add checker.


What assumptions have you made?

Are there things that you hope are true, but you cannot check? Add an assumption.


How much will the client know?

Add an assessment of the reader's knowledge.


What should you leave out?

What can you assume is not relevant, or not a priority? Add an exclusion.


What is important? Add a priority.

Expected action

What action(s) are you aiming for?

What do you want the client to do, as a result of this proposal?

expected action

What is the purpose of your proposal?

What will your proposal lead to?


Who is the audience for this proposal?

Who will read it and act upon it?
