Categories: All - trade - government - exams - paper

by Christian zzstu Haddad 10 years ago



Ancient Chinese culture saw significant advancements in various fields such as art, industry, and governance. Initially, silk was the primary medium for writing and art due to its ease of handling, but it was eventually replaced by paper, which was more cost-effective and practical for bookbinding.




Human Body
They were the first to listen to peoples heartbeats to check health.Not only that they were the first to learn about blood circulating through the body and heart


Getting Salt Water
People would use a large bamboo stick to get salt water from the botttom of the ocean.It was store in large iron pots.
Salt was a big trade item too.It was used to preserve vegetables and other farm crops.People of the han dynasty would get it from underground.
Silk was tough to make.But later on a powder machine was used to make silk faster and easier.It was also used a lot in trade


Worked in a different district thats not their home district to eliminate corruption and were evaluated every 3 years and demoted or promoted.
The purpose of the exams were to get government jobs. the exams were based on chinese writing that had to be memorized.The test took several days and the testers were guarded
Government Officials
High level officials notified advised emperor in the capitol. Low level officials lived in the empire and were in charge in roads canals and food supply
A Confusion Idea that is a government with a set of rules


Magnetic Compass
The compass was a tool to tell the directions north and south.The Chinese believed that using directions to build homes,temples and other buildings would bring good fortune.
The seismograph told where an earthquake was and the first ones were made of bronze. The machine had something in the middle surrounded by eight animal heads. During an earthquake it vibrated.They could detect earthquakes from 100's of miles away.


Making Paper
Paper was made with silk fibers, hemp, bamboo, straw, and seaweed. These ingredients were boiled into a pulp.
Paper was cheaper to make then silk and bamboo.Paper was also way easier to bind books together.People also could afford art materials because paper was cheaper and it was not as expensive as silk.
Before paper the chinese used silk.Silk was great and easy to roll it up for scrolls and were used in books.But it was odd and rough
They wrote their characters by painting them with a brush and ink. Characters were made by strokes drawn quickly in a certain way.Paper was good for art because of the way it absorbed ink.


They used it to carry supply rather than on their backs.
Iron Work
They were the first to pour melted metal into a mold.This process was done by using an iron plow.
Chain Pump
They used it to get water from ditches and canals up to the field.Farmers would turn a wheel that moved wood planks that moved water up hill.
Farmers Difficulties
They had grown enough food for their family and selves and stores.They built own homes,clothes and every month they had to pay the the government for canals and roads.Floods usually killed crops.


It was used in war to measure heavy walls and to send messages.It was also used to frighten enemies by using tubes and putting them on the kite and flying it over enemy camps at night so it would make a ghostly sound and make the army alarmed and flee.
It was one of the hans favorite weapons made of to pieces of wood in the form of a cross with a string connected to it and it was pulled back and shot an arrow when released.
iron making was improved and the quality of armor was improved. ironworkers also made a fishscale armor. The Han were one of the first people to make iron swords.
Organized Army
An army of 160,000-300,000 people from the ages 26-60 years old