Categories: All - addiction - side effects - tobacco

by Arjun Kalra 7 years ago


Health/Media Literacy Assignment

Ecstasy, a synthetic drug originating from Western Europe, particularly the Netherlands, is known by street names like Scooby snacks and Love pill. It induces short-term effects such as increased energy and heightened sexuality but also causes side effects like sweating, muscle cramping, and higher heart rate.

Health/Media Literacy Assignment

The Zombie Drug: As a doctor said, ' A person becomes a zombie with their body rotting. The rancid smell of which is detected a few steps away '. It is said to kill you from the inside out and erode the tissues of the brain and other vital organs.It is said to be the most harmful drug to ever be witnessed and if you are an addict, you are expected to live for only about a year!

The liquid that is made (the drug) is injected into your veins (which means you can get infections and skin ulcers from re-using needles and exposing them to bacteria), and if the drug misses your vein, and hits the flesh, it develops bumps and rots your skin. After this drug is injected, you are caused to have unbearable pain in your body!

Krokodil, also known as Desomorphine, is a highly addictive and harmful drug that contains unusual ingredients such as codeine(headache medicine), gasoline, hydrochloric acid, paint thinner, iodine, and many other harmful acids. This drug is made at home and take about 45 minutes to make.

Krokodil was found and started in 2002, in Siberia, Russia. Its been spreading around the world ever since. Though it isn't very popular nowadays, but it was popular a few years ago.About 65 million doses of this drug were used from 2009 to 2011. A few months ago, this drug was caught being used and sold on the streets of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Yeah, exactly, that's right near here!

You all are probably wondering, why is this drug called Krokodil? Well, that is because this drug causes an addicts skin to become disgustingly green, scaly, and bumpy like a Crocodile! It is also because this drug is dangerously deadly and kills you horribly!

Substance Use and Abuse


Serious Short Term Effects
Low blood pressure
Causes addiction
Menstrual problems in women
Decline in cognitive functionality
Bone and muscle pain
May be habit-forming
Don't use if you have a bowel obstruction called paralytic ileus
Misuse can cause addiction or death
Can stop or slow breathing
Don't use if you have severe asthma
What Is Methadone?
Methadone is a depressant
It is a narcotic/opioid medicatian
Methadone is only available from certified physicians
Methadone reduces withdrawal symptoms from illegal drugs
Methadone is a pain reliever
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Meth(Not methamphetamine which is real meth)

Cocaine -Umair

When it was created/when it got popular/Where it's most popular at
Columbia is the world's top most producers of cocaine
It started to get popular in the 1880's
Back as far as 3000 BC, cocaine was used by the ancient Incas in the Andres to help them survive in the mountains
What is Cocaine
Cocaine is a strong stimulant(increases activities in a body
An Addictive Drug Derived from coco or prepared synthetically
Severe Depression
Tolerance and Addicion
Severe Tooth Decay
Liver,Kidney and lung damage
Short term Effects
Dilated Pupils
Contracted Blood Vessels
Increased Rate Of Breathing
Loss Of Appetite
Street names
Big Rush
Nose Candy
Big Flakes



Love pill
Hug drug
Scooby snacks
Where Did Ecstacy Come From?
Ecstacy came from western europe primarily from the Netherlands
Side Effects
Higher heart rate
Sweat and chills
Muscle cramping
Increased energy
Increased levels of sexuality

Krokodil - Arjun

Long Term Effects
Dead SKin
Blood Vessel Damage
Blood Damage
Liver and Kidney Damage
Impaired Concentration
Bone Infection ( Osteomyelitis )
Rotted Gums, Tooth Loss
Memory Loss
Personality Changes
Short Term Effects
Dead Flesh
Green, Scaling Skin
Rotting Bones
Appetite Changes
Dry Mouth
Jaw Clenching
Blurred Vision
Rotten, Messed up Teeth
Faintness and Dizziness
Severe Anxiety
Muscle Tension
Chills or Swelling
Other Names (Street Names, etc)
Medical Name: Desomorphine
SN: Zombie Drug
SN: Crocodile
SN: Russia's Homemade Heroin
SN; Flesh Eating Drug
SN: Poor Man's Heroin
SN: Himiya
SN: Cheornaya
SN: Russian Magic
About Krokodil


Where Dose Tobacco Come From/Where Is It Popular/Where It Originated
Tobacco originated on October 15, 1492, by Christopher Columbus
Tobacco is sold world wide
Tabacco is grown in the U.S.A in central Kentucky,tennessee and virginia
Tobacco is mostly popular in North America because most smokers are in North America
Deaths Caused Of Tobacco
More than half of the deaths per year are men
More than 450,000 deaths happen per year because of Tobacco.
People who smoke tobacco frequently lose ten years of there life.
It can cause COPD which includes Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis.
Tobacco can cause lung damage.
Street Names