Categories: All - education - government - dialogue - isolation

by Victoria Evans 5 years ago


How Can Dialogue With Canadian Indigenous Peoples Promote Peace In Canada?

Encouraging dialogue with Canadian Indigenous peoples can profoundly impact the nation's peace and unity. Many Canadians have limited opportunities to engage with Indigenous communities, highlighting a significant divide.

How Can Dialogue With Canadian
Indigenous Peoples Promote Peace In Canada?

How Can Dialogue With Canadian Indigenous Peoples Promote Peace In Canada?

TEXT TO CANADA: Examples of People in Canada who dialogue with Indigenous Canadians to bring peace

Wet'suwet'en pipeline protests: Environmental groups such as GreenPeace has expressed support for the Wet'suwet'en protests against building the pipeline through Indigenous territory because of their shared passion for protecting the environment.“The cross-Canada protests in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en have helped to keep national attention on the injustices happening on their territory,” Greenpeace said in a statement on Monday. “It’s the kind of vital role that peaceful protest has played throughout history in bearing witness and pressuring politicians to do what is right, not what is convenient.”
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission: In 2008 Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the churches involved made a formal apology to Indigenous Canadians for the harm done by the residential school system and established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate the legacy of the system. The TRC finds and documents the truth about the residential school system and with a $60 million budget, it aims to truly reconcile with Indigenous peoples through retribution, rehabilitation, and education.

TEXT TO SELF: Examples from my own life of how I dialogue with Indigenous peoples? If not how can we in our schools & culture?

I cannot think of a specific time that I have gotten the opportunity to dialogue with Indigenous peoples. I can guarantee the same for many other people in Canada. I think Indigenous peoples in Canada are still so excluded and isolated. To change this, we must promote more open dialogue between Canadians and Indigenous people in schools, government, and our every day Canadian culture. This means educating kids in school about Indigenous culture and history, representing INdigenous people in the media and government more frequently and positively, etc.
The only times I can recall being exposed to someone of Indigenous culture or heritage was in school. Some examples include, guest speakers and drum circles, reading Indigenous texts and plays in English and watching videos about the culture in religion.

TEXT TO FAITH: Why is dialogue important for Canadians and Indigenous Canadians?

Dialogue is important for Canadians and Indigenous Canadians because it helps us to grow and develop mutually. Learning about the others beliefs, values and ways of life enriches us and encourages us to not make the same mistakes that we made in the past. It is especially important because Indigenous Canadians have been excluded and discriminated against for years, even after the Residential Schools closed. Being able to dialogue with each other is the first step to reconciliation and justice.
Indigenous past problems and current issues: Past- British colonialists taking over Indigenous land, assimilation and what is know considered a cultural genocide through residential schools, Indigenous people were excluded from the Charter until 1982. Current- Indigenous people living on reserves with overcrowded housing, unsafe drinking water and alarmingly high suicide rates among youth. Very low representation in government, still excluded from much of 'mainstream' society.
Church Teachings on dialogue: "The Church, therefore, exhorts her sons, that through dialogue and collaboration with the followers of other religions, carried out with prudence and love and in witness to the Christian faith and life, they recognize, preserve and promote the good things, spiritual and moral, as well as the socio-cultural values found among these men" - Nostra Aetate, Pope Paul VI

TEXT TO TEXT: Connections to Catholicism

The Great Spirit & God Many Indigenous groups believe in a Great Spirit or Great Mystery. The idea of a higher power and wisdom in the form of the Great Spirit aligns with the Christian idea of God.
Shamans & Priests Shamans are the the most notable religious figures in Indigenous religion.They function as healers, prophets, diviners, and custodians of religious mythology, and are often officiants of religious ceremonies. The role of shamans in Indigenous religions are the equivalent to priests in Catholicism.
picture of priest and shaman (wont let me upload)